~ Rules ~


+ Read the strict warning in my blog. It is VERY important if you want to RP with me. www.roleplay.me/blog/227752

+ MXM only.

+ No one-liners!! Give me something decent to work off of.

+ I understand that mistakes happen. I make mistakes too. As someone who is literate, It can be very distracting. If there is a typo in every reply you make, I will say something and if it doesn't get corrected from then on, I will most likely not want to continue.

+ Do not control my characters. It’s basic respect.

+ If I friend you I will always message you first. I expect you to do the same.

+ Please don't ghost me. If there is something wrong with the rp then tell me and we can try to work through it. Communication is key to a successful rp.

+ BE PATIENT. I always try to send the best quality responses so when I don't think I can give that then I will wait till I can. If it’s been long and you’ve seen me online, don’t be afraid to send me a poke. Just be nice about it.

+ Don't expect a relationship with me. It's easy to learn a lot about a person by the way they write but that doesn't mean you know me or I know you.

+ Respect me and I will respect you.
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11 | Apr 8th 2024 07:30