♡ Roleplay Starters & Prompts! ♡

LAST UPDATE: March 2024

As stated, below is information pertaining to the types of genres, themes and RP's I will work and am most familiar with to give you an idea of some of the concepts that interest me! I also have listed possible RP starter plots/ideas as well --and if any should catch your eye, please let me know and we can work on creating a direction off of one! Needless, any of them can also be expanded upon or altered to fit between two characters. (:



Main Genres & Themes:

(UPDATE: LOOKING TO RP WITH MORE ANTAGONISTIC ROLES CURRENTLY! If you are someone who delves or likes to entertain more of a "villainy" muse associating with themes of corruption, darker territories or possess a very complex narrative surrounding them and possibly their personal agendas at hand, I LIVE to explore the dynamics between a storyline surrounding them and my main muse! I am mainly intrigued by very psychological, alluring and powerful characters with detailed substance to them-- NO poorly created OC’s such as ones who are only 100% “evil/sadistic” and don’t offer anything else other than to be strictly dehumanizing. Your character MUST be able to know how to manipulate and not make it so obvious they are daker by/in nature by being so obvious in your description or being so exaggerated that their only identity is being “dark”. I WILL ONLY ACCEPT to write with antagonistic OC’s that can harbor a lot of layers to figure out about them, can offer challenges/twists and be able to not be so predictable other than you just sounding overly edgy and annoying. If it’s obvious you are just here to project outwards on people, be an a**hole and your only goal in an RP is to be sadistic without any motive or plotline, you can stop reading now and leave. NO desire to entertain anyone who lacks any sense of decency or creativity other than to larp behind an account displaying just how clearly your sh*t life has influenced you to be a completely ass backwards person.)
ANYWAYS, moving on to the more typical:

1.) Human: MxF OR FxF (LGBTQ+ WELCOME)!
2.) Psychological/Horror: Any prompts pertaining to very dark elements which can possibly include graphic/triggering , taboo, suspense, gore, macabre/disturbing, violent, conspiracy or immoral/controversial based themes. I love exploring these realms which include depravity, devolution, twisted beliefs and just the notion of being able to write with someone who can also offer many “twists and turns” and consistent detailed replies to keep the action and adrenaline going especially if it is suspenseful. If you are this type of writer who isn’t afraid to go out of their comfort zone and explore a lot of concepts and realities in which can be considered censored, please add me!
3.) Fantasy & Supernatural: Especially topics involving things like demons & angels, or any type of immortals. Also, those that may include mythological creatures, OC’s associated with magic/powers, vampires, werewolves, hybrids, Nymphs/fairies, sorcery, deities, etc. This can also include completely original/crafted worlds/universes.
4.) Romance (Whether medieval, modern, etc.): This also includes any amount of light/"heavy" er*tica you are comfortable with. Feel free to ask more about this if you are curious in terms of the more "taboo" route as well or if you have any specifics. However, if you are looking to add smut—THERE MUST BE A PLOT INVOLVED. I will not be roleplaying with any kinks or fetishes that have no purpose or promise to any sort of relationship/rapport between our two characters. Also, if you leave right in the middle of a scene of smut or you drag it out onto the next day/for too long, I will lose interest fast. HEALTHY BALANCE. I am not here to just sext and be bothered with conversations that go absolutely nowhere and you only humiliating yourself further by sounding desperate.
To add to the romance genre--NO SLICE OF LIFE WHAT-SO-EVER!
6.) Adventure, Action, Drama, AU: If you have a character that is from another fandom, movie, series, etc; I am happy to work with them and do my research as long as you are okay with an “AU” setting or we come up with a plot from scratch. I am not all that familiar with a lot of fandoms, but I am always willing to give it a shot!
8.) Animals: FERAL only, I will not do anthro AT ALL. I am more familiar with Felines/Canines!
9.) NEWEST "ISO" IDEA IS LOOKING FOR OTHERS WHO WOULD ENTERTAIN MORE OF A "FATHER/DAUGHTER" BASED PLOT! For an example, my muse is completely inseparable towards her own fatherly role in her story. Her whole world and identity revolves around that type of relationship and I would love to explore her bond with one as either them being antagonistic or a means to evolve with. If you wish, you can find her biography here to get the gist: www.roleplay.me/blog/276627

(Anyways, that’s it for now until I can think of more. Please know I'm pretty open to anything and really have no limits in regard to being able to be able to adapt and conform to another writer’s style, suggestions and interests. Though, if you didn’t see anything listed here though that you wish to ask me about or were wanting to try out, just message! I would be more than happy to hear any idea’s you have!)



****Plot #1: This plot is associated with working around my very own world I have created for my original characters and the basic premise I have set up for them thus far. This plot would be mainly about my main muse on the path of self-discovery/purpose, and the world around her as an angelic nymph/immortal. This can also possibly be about our characters journey through growth and connection, and I suppose you could also say the theme of this is my OC's "coming of age" story, liberation or maybe even dark descent from what she is running from which is her traumatic past. As stated above in my genres, this storyline would involve and is HIGHLY centered in that "father/daughter" dynamic as the two of them are like two sides of the same coin --both cannot exist without the other. Their stories are connected very heavily whether this is only mentioned in past, present or an impending future context can be decided upon. You can read more about my character on my main RP page found here: www.roleplay.me/Vespirten in terms of her powers and history, but I have done and thought of a few ways in which this idea can progress.

1a.) Your character is an outsider that gets dragged into my muse (Claire's) world and a setting we set up. You decide to help her with her tribulations or traumas (or this can be by interest or suddenly being roped into it) and can either become just an ordinary ally, close friend or potential love interest. This could also take a twist and entertain something such as "lovers to enemies" or “enemies to lovers” in which case corruption or some other darker element could spiral out of control for the two of them or just one of our characters by themselves. Examples further are that maybe your OC is enticed by her powers and what she truly is and you find yourself either slowly embracing or fighting against things like greed, lust, or even envy of them or seeing her vulnerability and wishing to help her remain true to them and possibly her being vice versa and becoming a villain herself. Given my OC is influenced by also a "curse" of her own, maybe your OC is also influenced by this side of it and develops your own ulterior motive by possibly snaring or betraying her.

2b.) Your muse is a very loyal, eminent and successful ally to my muses father (Vincent) who has long made himself a notorious but uniquely powerful figure in the world (to your complete obliviousness). Your job and service to him has earned you a life of endless luxury, a high title/rank and lofty name for yourself and you have yet to be unmatched or see end to the path of divinity you are gifted/promised. Your work can either be that of a highly covert assassin, agent, or whatever you want to come up with and be assigned to capture my OC in an offer of immense power or life beyond the world you're in. If not going for more of a supernatural route, your reward and security offered is something incredible and perhaps something you have always wanted. Maybe your OC can take a route of enemies to friends/lovers or even start to question their position throughout the task at hand and struggle with morality/cognitive dissonance. In which case, your character could be an Anti-Hero or fall further into depravity and take their own course. Your choice!

3c.) You can be/use one of my "OPEN OC's" already created. In which case you can decide if you wish to be my muses’ mother (Angelina), father (Vincent) or another relative all together of your own. Also, if you wish to make up your own character as either one of my characters parental figures, feel free! But in terms of my already pre-made descriptions this can look like:

-Motherly role: You can stay associated with the original idea I have created of being a powerful immortal just as Claire is. You are an angel-like being/pure yourself, a healer and in tune with higher powers, alive and looking to reunite with my OC or be there to lead/keep/warn her from potential dangers. Or if you wish to twist it around, you can give her the same plight as Claire's father does in her original backstory and become a villain role and looking or working alongside with him to go after her.

-Fatherly Role: This role can at first begin as something lighthearted/extremely close and thriving and perhaps the two's bond being inseparable and highly memorable but meets an unfortunate turn when he is lured into evil by a powerful entity/god/etc by the promise of sovereignty, worldwide domination/transformation/succession and perfectionism. Your character (or playing my own) may suffer with feelings of insecurities, denial, a need for total control and is seduced by the offer of power, bountiful luxuries both physical and spiritual, indulgence and a means to become everything he has ever wanted. All the while struggling with his sanity. In which case, if taken a more villainous role from the start, you are relentless, ruthless, determined, strong-willed, assertive and destined to make a name and legacy for yourself no matter what the cost. You are crafty, intelligent and have an unrivaled talent for ascent and devote a life of secrecy and infamy in which makes you basically undefeated. Perhaps even seeing my muse then as some kind of obstacle or means to use to further your goals due to her power/gifts. Or if you have any other route of motive for him, feel free to expand upon! Or any other variants of a father, I love to explore them!
****(Another short-lived RP idea was that my character is subjected into aiding a father role against her will out of fear and is trying to escape his control. But out of utmost love and refusing to see his evil at first (or maybe it's even hidden from her) she struggles to forsake him. Or he is successfully thus far leading her down to accept a "darker side" and encourages her into embracing sin and her new nature taking place by cursing her.)

(You can always play your own OC in this setting along with these OPEN OCs too if you'd like! Any other ideas that weren't mentioned with this one that you'd like to suggest or bring to the table, please let’s hear it!)


****Plot #2: Revolves around the movie/world of Disney's "Wish" in which my current love (lets be real, OBBSESSION) for the character "King Magnifico" has more of a grand comeback after what takes place at the end of the movie. Or, if you wish to stick canon, we can do that too!

A.) My muse is a refugee to the Kingdom of Rosas. After fleeing her own lands (we can come up with a reason), she is informed of Magnifico’s land as a welcoming sanctuary. With hearing many tales about the King himself and having bestowed "powers" of his own, she hopes that her arrival is one of belonging and that above anyone else, he would understand her given she has her own powers which have or made her always feel alienated. She may think it is safer here, not knowing just how easily threated and defensive King Magnifico can get or see her as either a target/opponent to his kingdom or going down of course the route of a possible relationship in the works. Maybe he is just there to manipulate her and take advantage of her and her immortality somehow? He looks to take her power for himself? Maybe he does understand her and there is something she does wrong, or her powers manifest to make him become in contempt of her? Or he adopts her since she is an orphan and raises her like in the movie “Frozen” where she is isolated and unable to truly understand her own gifts? Have any other ideas—please share!!

B.) My OC arrives or is already a citizen of the Kingdom Rosas and is either aware of or not aware of the downfall of Magnifico. Perhaps she is recruited or working near/under Queen Amaya’s new rulership but stumbles upon the trapped king and frees him. Or, she thinks it was unfair of their punishment to him and willingly releases him back. They can be partners in crime, blossom into some other relationship or my muse just gets dragged too far down a rabbit hole and must get out/undo an error in which she created by redeeming him back into their world.

C.) Anything AU/non-canon to this movie!


Plot #3: My muse is a rebel and "escapee" of a tyrannical government and is looking to help others out of this new system of control. Because of her rebellion, she and the others thriving as a secret community are highly wanted and targeted within the walls of this totalitarianism. Examples of roles:

A.) Your muse is trapped within this new reign and is subject to the horrors that have now taken place and is trying to escape and also has become secretly awakened. Your OC can perhaps find mine somehow and both can work together. Or, they can begin by being rescued with a few others and is having trouble coming to terms with their reality of being saved and realizing just how “not everything was what it seemed”.

B.) Your OC is a prominent figure in this seemingly "New World Order" and is an antagonist. Looking to capture anyone who rebels and even the ones already outside of the walls. Your job can remain strictly power hungry/corrupt and has taken note of my OC's whereabouts/identity as a threat. You are a programmer and responsible of keeping the masses blind and censored.

C.) Your character and my own are both rebels and looking to help others, or one of the other gets dragged into this new world and slowly starts to become brainwashed into staying/leaving the other behind. Betrayal is also a large element here.

(Main inspiration to this is the world of band "Starset"!)


Plot #4: My muse is a lost soul or spirit who is stuck in limbo roving about the Earth hoping and trying to help others find justice or answers. Maybe wanting her own redemption in past errors or trauma to hopefully be redeemed so she can cross over. Or finds a purpose in helping the living with things she never had/got a chance to do. Maybe as she interacts with humans, she is torn between staying behind as a guardian angel or ascending to heaven.

a.) Your OC has a sixth sense and can communicate with her/see her while others cannot. Maybe you summon her through your knowledge of spiritism, being curious or just happen to find/encounter her one day. My OC can either be conjured and first a volatile entity and not remembering what happened to her, struggling to accept herself in the afterlife or is aware of everything and in denial which leads to a lot of paranormal activity and hauntings. Or she is a more benevolent being instilling in you a purpose or awakening and confiding in you truths about the world given her own cruel death which leads you to act and take on the path of a hero, a liberator to victims.

b.) Your OC is troubled, in need of help and/or something of a miracle and my OC is drawn to you and wanting to help you. This can also play into her being your guardian angel!

c.) Both our OC’s are stuck in the afterlife trying to crossover to the other side, or my OC was once human but meets a sudden death and has trouble accepting their new reality and you are the guide through for her. A psychopomp. This can also be said that either character can also have the possibility to become demonic and vengeful as well!



Plot #5: A dark relationship where my OC falls for or gets entranced by the charm and manipulations of a psychopath/sociopath. Maybe they are one to kidnap or pursue my character, snaring her into their reality. My OC can slowly start to realize the danger of the situation and is looking to escape, or she is coerced into their ways and is being reprogrammed by falling down the same rabbit hole. This plot would be more involving a "Stockholm-Syndrome" type of storyline or working with conspiracy, cults or something more macabre and twisted. Your choice, some brief starter examples can be:

1.) Your OC is the main antagonist here and has a strong belief or goal in which you are trying to lure my muse down or can completely be indulgent in his/her addictions, impulses, sadism/control/possession or completely just happens to cross paths unknowingly with my OC. Or maybe my character suspects/finds out something about you that you don't want the truth to be let out about and thus, looks to completely drive her insane to discredit her or keep her silenced.

2.) Your OC is outside of everything happening and is trying to help my OC escape or is engaging with this main antagonist and wants to escape the grasp just as much as my muse does. Or, my muse can "wake them up" to the severity of the situation and make them question their associations to the main antagonist. Either or, they could both be victims in this scenario and looking to break free.


Heart this
12 | Jan 24th 2024 06:11