⫸ Track 004 : admin info / triggers / rules

〖 admin info. 〗
✒ pronouns + age : they/it (sometimes he) | 20
✒ timezone : mountain standard time
✒ rp ratings : anywhere from pg to m/18+!
✒ triggers : self-harm, suicide, child/animal abuse, teeth/mouth/eye trauma, terminal illness, etc. - if you're not sure, ask!

〖 rules. 〗
◉ First & foremost; I'd prefer to avoid one-liners! It's difficult to work with such a little amount of substance; I don't mind smaller replies so long as they give me something to work with!
◉ Text-talk is fine if we're OOC or just discussing things, but I'd prefer not to use it when roleplaying! It makes it difficult for me to get invested in a story if it's written like a twitter conversation :').
◉ While NSFW is a possibility, keep in mind it's not really my main focus & I have very little experience in writing it. I'm here to write a cool story with a character I love & relate to, not to write porn. If it occurs naturally & I'm comfortable enough with you, then it happens! If not, then it doesn't.
◉ Please don't spam me for a reply; I work two jobs & have a pretty hectic life, & sometimes I don't have the time nor energy to respond! If it's been about a week or so, I can totally understand a little poke - but patience is very greatly appreciated.
◉ IC thoughts & actions do not equate to OOC thoughts & actions! Just because my character says something, doesn't mean that I - the admin - condone or share the same sentiment.
◉ Hatred in any form will not be tolerated on this profile; if you're a d*ck, get out. Plain & simple; this is a safe space for people to have fun.
◉ While not a rule, feel free to ask about being mutuals! I don't bite & wouldn't mind being buddies if we get along well - we can talk about Pokémon or something idk lmao.
◉ Now that we've got the boring stuff out of the way, a comment letting me know you've read & understood these is appreciated!
Heart this
2 | Oct 25th 2023 18:05
Personal_Justice It's kinda messed up how people gotta CONFIRM that you read their rules, you'd think this would be a common courtesy at this point, huh?
creaturefreaks yeah :') i'm not the happiest about having to monitor people, but i've had my fair share of folks who blatantly ignored things that i put in here and made roleplaying a bit of an uncomfortable experience. c'est la vie, i suppose!
Personal_Justice It is what it is, this community is kind of a dumpster fire, after all.