⚠ Rules ⚠

Hello, thank you for stopping by to read these rules! Please actually read them and follow them, its much appreciated and it makes things go by so much easier so we can get to the fun, rp part!

1 - First off, please don't lie to me. I hate it, I rather listen to the harsh truth than have someone lie to me. It's really annoying and I don't want to have any OOC drama with anyone. I already have trust issues, don't become another reason for it.

2 - Minors DNI! This is a strict 18+ users only acc, I just feel more comfortable that way. Plus, I'm not in the mood for teenage drama, I had enough in highschool.

3 - NO furries. Please that makes me uncomfortable. However, werewolves and fantasy/supernatural creatures such as that are fine (humaniods, etc.) Also, I WILL NOT BE PLAYING ANIMALS OR ENGAGING IN ANY ANIMAL ROLEPLAY, so for the last time, DO NOT ASK ME TOO!

4 - NO wrestling, anime or any weird sh!t please. If you want to s3xt or some sh*t, go somewhere else because my page is not the place. I can to straight smut with little plot, but I'm not going to send you nud3s and s3xt as myself, thats disgusting. However we can discuss sexual fantasies for the roleplays accordingly. I will block and report you if you ask to do such bullsh*t.

5 - Mature content is completely okay, but please respect my limits, which I will send you. If you don't agree with some, please let me know, but I'm not going to step out of my boundries for your satisfaction if I'm highly against it, sorry but I'm not your playtoy.

6 - I will rp literally ANYTHING, just ask! Any genre is fine, maybe except for horror and sci-fit since I have no expirience. Just ask honestly, I'm here to explore and have fun. Remember I do have 13+ years of expirience, so please, try to be literate.

7 - The more interesting the plot, the more replies you get. If the rp is not as much to my taste, replies will probably be slow, but even knowing that, please, I'm a college student who's also working, keep that in mind before spamming me to reply, most likey, if you do that, you aren't going to get a reply. And I will tell you if the roleplay gets REALLY boring. I don't ghost people for no reason and neither should you ghost me without reason, and I might forget, a simple bump and I'll try to reply.

8 - When rping, if I need to say something OOC I with use brackets or lines. Ex: ( ) or [ ] or //

9 - NO ONE LINERS. I repeat myself, NO ONE LINERS. Please, it makes the roleplay sooooooooo boring and I lose interest, have at least a couple detailed sentences, I'm pretty sure that everyone went to school and knows how to write more than literally 1 sentence. Like seriously though, after I give a detailed starter (3+ paras.) and you write: *he walked into the room.* "Hi." *he said.* Hardcore unfriend.

10 - If you add me, try messaging me first, If I add you, I will message you first, most likely. And when you do message, please start OOC, so we can actually discuss what to rp, not just in character with a starter and I have no clue what we're doing. Don't just add me and wait for me to message you, thats not how it works.

11 - Don't just come to me with absolutely no idea of a roleplay, that irritates me when I'm the only one who's offering plots and willing to help with the basic creation of our rp, thats the fastest way that I'll lose interest, if I come to you, I'll probably have some sort of idea of what rp I want to do. So please, don't just be like, 'I have no idea, you?'. It's really rude and ignorant to me. Please try to understand that. In most cases I'll understand but after a while it gets overwhelming with the fact that I'm the only one doing anything.

12 - PLEASE do not message me to rp and never respond again, I understand that people have lives outside of this website, but it gets really annoying when people ghost me for no reason. Let me know in advance if you have to leave for a long period of time, I will understand! If I have to leave I will inform you as well! And if you do decide to stop the rp or unfriend me, please give me a reason at least, don't just walk away.

13 - Please try to understand that I have a life outside of this website and I cannot constantly be replying. So please don't send bumps every few hours and check my status if I'm gone for a very long time, I keep everyone updated on there, if you choose not to check there, that's on you, I don't have the responsibility to message every one of my friends that I'm busy.

14 - I roleplay in both 1st and 3rd POV I do prefer 3rd person, past tense, though, which is just a personal prefrence because I feel like I can incorporate more detail.

15 - This is all I can remember for now, you can go check my blog for my current OC's, I also make OC's on the spot, so if you don't like any of those just let me know, I can make one to your taste. If you have any questions, just ask!

Please once you have read everything, heart the blog and answer this question in a message so I know you did truly read all the rules, "What's your favorite book, or any writing piece?" ❤
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79 | Jul 2nd 2023 12:02
dandelions @TheUltimateServant Thats good! Thanks for letting me know, they're definetly worth the read!
TheUltimateServant @psychoqueue Yeah I love the wizarding world and one day I'm sure I'll get around to reading them
BulletBombshell My favorite book - that's a tricky question. I have to say right now, it is Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston.
Incarnate Favorite book is really a hard question like others in this post have said…although I’ll have to say Clockwork Angel or any of the Infernal Devices series.
dandelions @Incarnate Wow, I've never read those, but I'm willing to try now :)