
θ When one says fantasy, sometimes the other sees it as the genre that includes mythical creatures, magic, etc. While I love this genre, It can apply to modern settings as well.

θ I usually look for a story that won't fizzle out the longer we go. Slice of life won't cut it as it's usually the blandest of the genres out there.

θ Romance is a favorite of mine, but I think it can be overused. So I'm willing to hear what any creative ideas you may want to add to our plot, romance or otherwise.

θ I don't mind sm*t, but don't make it the main focus. It gets dull after a while.

θ Keep in mind I am a fan of dark themes, even those that most might be squeamish towards. (eg. suic*de, gore, etc)

θ Pretty much all the characters I'm going to include will wear glasses. It's an awesome fashion trope to me for some reason. Who said only nerds wear glasses? :P
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17 | May 6th 2023 03:01