♔ Rules

First and foremost, I consider myself to be pretty chill. Though I may sound strict and a little harsh I assure you that I am not either of these, so please don't let my manner of speech intimidate you.

My most important rule, manners aside, is to enjoy yourself. I’m not that great a writer, and I don’t expect perfection from you, either. So long as you put a well amount of effort into your responses, we'll get along just fine. ❤

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— Now, let us begin with the basics.

i. I'm nonbinary - my pronouns are they/them; I'm also fine with she/her.

ii. I will only accept those who are 18 or above.

iii. Be a decent human being. My hugest turn-off is a lack of manners.

iv. Please don't immediately message me in character. It makes me uncomfortable

v. Even if my roleplay slots are full, I'm open to accepting new requests. However, know that I may not be open to discussing a new plot immediately, because I don't want to get overwhelmed and leave people neglected. I prefer to have 2 detailed roleplays at a time; 5 is my max and I cannot take any more than this without experiencing frequent burnout.

vi. If I decline your request, for the love of god and all mankind, don't request me again. If you're the type to do this then, kindly, get off my page, you absolute buffoon.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— Writing Etiquette.

i. Decent literacy is a must.
▻ I think being able to understand you is vital for any communication between us.
▻ This, of course, doesn't mean you can't make a couple errors here and there. Don't worry, my dyslexic folk, I love you as much as any other writer.
▻ You may write in past or present tense, whichever you prefer. It doesn't make a difference to me.

ii. Please be patient. My replies are slow.
▻ On average I take 3-7 days to respond; I prefer roleplaying with those who may take around the same time.
▻ This may be longer depending on my situation.
▻ I appreciate if my writing partners are patient with me, and if so, I will give the same patience in return.

iii. Long-Term Plots only
▻ I tend to pour a lot of thought and effort into my characters and the world around them, which no doubt takes time. As such, I expect my roleplays to be Long-term.

iv. Reply lengths vary from Paragraph to Novella.
▻ It'll fluctuate throughout the roleplay depending on the scene.
▻ Please write *at least* a good paragraph for each of your responses. I don’t do semi-paragraphs or one-liners, they’re just so… bland and colourless, I’ll lose interest far too quickly.

v. Discord
▻ I'm open to setting up a server for our roleplay on discord, however I'd like for our plot to be discussed beforehand, or for our roleplay to already be in action.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— Roleplay Content.

i. I do all pairings, though I have a preference for MxM and FxF.
▻ I'm fine with MxF, although even in these pairings my main character will be quite androgynous and very queer.
▻ As a non-binary person, androgynous characters are what I feel most comfortable writing as - you can probably tell by my OCs, most of which are feminine, pretty guys or tomboyish, masculine gals.

ii. Respect my characters' sexual/romantic orientation.
▻ If it clearly states they're homosexual, for example, I'd like to avoid pairing them with the opposite gender.

iii. Realism.
▻ If you're writing a character with certain illnesses (mental or physical), I expect you to have adequate knowledge of the condition(s) they suffer from so you can write them properly.
▻ If you're writing a character from a different culture, I expect you to have adequate knowledge of that culture which isn't based on ethnic stereotypes.
▻ I will not change my character's personality to make them most compatible with yours.
▻ If your character does something that mine dislikes, they /will/ react negatively, explosively, terribly, regardless of how shocking it may be. I /like/ the conflict, I /like/ slow-burn romances, and if our characters have differences that need to be resolved, I want them to work through these as part of the plot, with all the arguments and complications to go with.
▻ Some of my characters will be harder to get along with than others, which brings me to my next point...

iv. Romance.
▻ I like to have a little romance in all my roleplays, however some of my characters are undeniably more complicated to romance than others.
▻ Characters like Cinna and Moth are extremely closed off and will take a lot of time to open up. Flirting with them won't work and you'll probably be scorned for it, or will get an uncomfortable reaction. (In fact,,, for the sake of your own character's wellbeing please don't have them flirt with Cinna early on he has 0 chill and will be so outraged.)
▻ On the other hand, characters like Perseus and Lorelai may display romantic gestures very quickly, however these might only be an illusion to gain advantage, so be careful!

v. Smut.
▻ Yes, I do write smutty scenes and like to engage in a healthy dose of er*tica, so long as the characters are of age and compatible in this way.
▻ However, this isn't my immediate interest when it comes to writing romance. As such, I never want it to be the focal point of the roleplay, much rather an accessory to our plot; an occasional treat.
▻ I don't have my characters' roles written on their sheets - to define is to limit! You'll have to find out yourself, it's all part of the fun.

vi. Triggers.
▻ My character list consists of tyrannical vamps, morally questionable scientists and bloodthirsty spider folk - it's no surprise to know that I'm no stranger to blood and gore.
▻ Mentions of suicide/self harm are fine so long as they're not being frequently mentioned/are part of a character's backstory. I tend to be more lenient about this when it comes to plotlines involving detectives or murder cases.
▻ Some of my OCs have younger family members that might show up as side characters, and on this note: absolutely no harm to children/characters under the age of 18.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎— Other.

i. I don't roleplay with furries, this is simply a personal preference.

ii. I don't write as canon characters, with the exception of Ciel from BB, (who I've been writing as since I was like,,,12 so I'm confident I can replicate his character accurately). Despite this, I'm open to plotting with others who write as canon characters, and crossovers are welcomed, too.

iii. If you're adding me for a roleplay, please have a brief idea in your mind that you'd like to build on - not just a genre. Did you want to create a story with one of my OCs? Did you want to explore an arc for one of your own characters? Did you have a specific plot in mind? A specific setting? Time period? Literally anything.

iv. Lastly, if you message me, and it's evident you haven't read these rules: prepare to get crushed under my shoe. ♥
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16 | Feb 23rd 2022 04:27