All plots can be discussed further
These are just base lines

1)**Falling for my partner**
Character A and B are partners, working in NYPD as murder investigators. Together they are working on a case, a suspected suicide. However after the autopsy it’s discovered it was indeed a murder.
Character A and B are more than just partners, they are best friends. Character A arrives on the case all dressed up after yet another failed date, whereas character B is in a relationship which is going downhill. Their other half detests their long hours and is jealous of their relationship with character A.
It’s bringing character B down, draining them, but like always, character A is there for them. Will B leave their relationship? Or quit their job to work on it?

2)** Careful. We might get caught***
Character A and B are in a relationship. They also work together, which means that they have to keep their relationship a secret as there is a no dating co-workers policy. Character B is character A’s assistant. At a work party, character A was informed that B was flirting with another co worker. Of course B was only going along with it, but A over heard B getting asked out to dinner and they broke up the conversation by pulling B away for ‘work’. Will they need a “private conversation” at work.

3) **My first Dom**
Character A had recently gone through a breakup, so their friend talks them into going for a night out to get over their ex, but little did A know, that their friend was taking them to a BDSM nightclub, where character B bumps into them. Turns out character B and A were friends in high school who drifted apart as some friends do. Character B is a Dom looking for their next Sub, and character A seems to be the perfect candidate.

4) **Dating App**
Will our characters truly find love on an app? Or will it just be a hookup to remember ?

5) **Mafia Boss**
Character A is the big bad mafia boss, who finds themselves irritated that they had to go to AB’s apartment to collect money that they were owed by B’s partner. When B’s partner stated that they had no money to give, A demands that they get some form of payment. That’s when A was offered Character B. Will A take this offer?

6) Supernatural (Werewolf theme)
In the local area there has been a suspected animal attacking the locals. It’s suspected an animal escaped a zoo and made its way to the area. Turns out, that’s not it. There’s a pack of werewolves that have crossed territories and have been attacking the locals. The local werewolf family whom for centuries lived in secret are concerned that this may risk their secret getting out.
Character 1 and 2 have been best friends all their lives. Slowly, secretly falling in love.
However character 1 is a werewolf, living with this secret and character 2 is a supernatural hunter, who’s come from a long line of hunters. But they didn’t know that until their family member shared with them that they suspect werewolves are behind the attacks and they now need to take their place with their ancestors and hunt these beasts down.
Will this affect their friendship? Will character 2 figure out 1s secret? Will their relationship break down? Or will 2 ignore what’s expected of them for the love they have for 1?

7 **My bodyguard**
Character A is the child of one of the most dangerous mob bosses known. And as the only child and heir, their father hires them a bodyguard to watch over them and follow them about. Character B is that bodyguard and does whatever their boss asks of them.
Character A is understandably outraged that they have to be followed around and have no privacy, even in their own home as B has to move in just to protect A at all times.
Eventually A Is going out on a date and snaps at B, telling them that they can’t be at their date. B explains it’s their job, but they’ll back off. But they did not. They secretly followed A to where they were meeting their date, and after a while it turns out A’s date was their father’s rival who made an attempt to attack A, but B was there to save the day. A realises that B is in fact their hero

8) **A dangerous secret**
Character A and B have been together for six years, while being married for two. Character A is a highly skilled trained assassin and character B is a spy. The two were obviously unaware of each others true occupation. Character B had been assigned to look into an organisation, an organisation they had discovered their other half works for and to protect them instantly files for divorce. Character A obviously was broken by this.
Months later there had been a threat within the organisation that A had been working for and A was assigned to assassinate the target. To their horror their target was their ex. A obviously didn’t want to kill B and had obvious failed attempt to do so which their boss was not happy about.
A had found B’s safe house and broke in, awaiting for B to return home. A got a phone call from the boss stating that if they did not find B and kill them by the end of the week they will hire someone else to get the job done.
When B returned A was awaiting. B was unarmed. A was obviously still hurt from the divorce, questioning their entire relationship even accusing B of just using them to spy on their company. Even though B riled A, A couldn’t do it. Couldn’t kill the person they loved. With the two having their weapons aimed at each other, A warns B tells them to disappear. Even admitted to them the reason why they are still alive is because A purposely missed.
Would they rekindle their relationship? Would they risk their jobs and their lives to be together?

9) My biggest Fan!
Character A and B are together (wether it be relationship, FB, or just roommates)
Character A was working away and they come home early from their trip to find B passed out after having some… solo fun. B was wearing a headset and out of curiosity, A has a look to find out that B was listening to A’s audios and watching their videos on a site. Not realising one of their subscribers were B due to using a different name. A thought this was a secret. How did B find out? How will A go on knowing this information.
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26 | Jan 26th 2022 09:47