
1: i prefer to not write much, so that way it's more interactive between each other, so don't expect 4 paragraphs all the time, the only time that really happens if I need to put a lot of detail into something(if i do, it's important, if i don't, then it isn't that important) or if a character goes on a rant
so to sum it up, i will not always write paragraphs, and will not always write one-liners

2: I'd rather you unfriend than ghost.

3: I prefer to be OC'S

4: Id like to talk a bit before getting thrown right into a rp, so there has to be an out of character element, even if its only for a couple messeges

5: i swear to god if you ask me to write more-...dont, just don't, if i needed to write more i would, especially if YOU added me, you should have looked at my lengths

6: I do have a life outside of here, so if you see me on and I’m not responding, just assume I’m busy or on and off, i'll get to you when i can, if i haven't responded in like 7 days, do please give me a poke, my brain likes to scatter lol

7: i will give you 3 pokes before I unfriend you then in the next couple days

8: im ok doing both MxF, MxM and by extent MxNB

9: romance is NOT the main thing im here for, im here to make great stories, not to get off or whatever

10: my english is...decent...even if its the one and only language I know so, do bear with me lol, if you get what I mean, then good, ill correct what I can, im only human

11: you can always request back, But i have the right to say no

that's really the main ones, any questions then, ask!
oh, and make sure to like this blog so i know you have read it
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40 | Nov 20th 2020 03:04