RP ideas and plots.

Here are a few ideas I've been wanting to do. Feel free to ask about them! Also, I am fine with changes and anything you want to add! This blog is always changing (Usually when all of the plots are in use.) Sometimes I have more or less here but there is usually always something.

Down to reverse roles as well as long as you play your own oc.

1. In debt
Character A finds a wounded (dragon/animal/anything as long as they turn humanish?) in the middle of the forest and attempts to help them recover from the verge of death. Once healed by remedies (or magic) character B reveals that they are a human/shapeshifter/entity and explains that they will stay by A's side until the debt of life is repaid. (Again up to you where it goes but I have ideas.)

2. Mental hospital patients or patient x therapist.

3. Luka x Club owner
The owner wants to fire the bratty, trouble-making incubus but he brings in too many customers to lose so the owner finds another way to keep Luka under control.

4. Starman
Character A lives alone in a secluded area at the edge of the woods. One night he hears a loud crash in his yard that causes his house to shake. He goes outside to find a large ball of metal that has plummeted from the sky, causing a creator. It was a small one-person ship of some sort and as the smoke cleared he could see a man hanging out of it on the verge of death. Character b is a mysterious man from the stars. Is he even human?

5. Bondage mansion type plot. (It doesn't have to be as scary as it sounds. Make it ~romance~) Character A has life good. Living in a beautiful mansion with a handsome fiance whose fortune was passed down. One night a seemingly stranger knocks on the door. Character B, the fiancé's long lost relative. He claims that the fortune and mansion are rightfully his and as a way to duel it out they play a game. "A woman breaking game." Everyone agrees to participate. Character A is faithful in his love for his fiance and figures it would be best to get the game over with. Every night for a month, the two men of the household name take turns spending time with A. At the end of it A has to choose who he accepts as his love. ((I'm not sure if I explained that well but if you're interested I can get more into detail.))
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7 | Sep 14th 2020 04:49