1) Please do not add me and ask me to do ERP or Inc*st! I have been on this site for over two years now and have had this happen to me WAAAYYY too many times to the point it gets annoying. So if that's your intention when you think about sending me a friend request, then don't even bother to cause the answer will always and forever be no. I, in no way, shape, or form support incest of any kind and role-plays that focus solely on smut are incredibly boring to me. And if you wanna blocking me because I said"no" to something I find boring or something that makes me uncomfortable and that I don't support, then go ahead. I'm not gonna lose sleep or cry over it because I have plenty of other role-plays that I can now spend more time focusing on instead of that. Honestly, I have been blocked by so many people because of that that I've grown numb to it.

2) If we are role-playing and have a ship, please try not to focus entirely on that ship and their interactions. Other interactions, such as family or friends, can also be fun or even enjoyable. And if we are spending way too much time on just the romance aspect of the story then I will get bored and lose motivation for it. So please try not to do that if you really want me to stay interested.

3) Please be literate and try to role-play in third person POV. I have been role-playing for a long time, even longer than I've been on this site, and I enjoy a bit more description that you can't get with first person. Also, try to make your posts at least three or four sentences long. It's incredibly hard to come up with a reply if all I'm getting is one-liners because I try my best to match what you give me. So if you give me nothing, then I can't just magically come up with something.

4) Please do not try taking control of my character. I worked hard to make my main OC, Cassandra, the way she is and I have had her for years now. You do not know every little detail about her personality or story so do not try to take her away from me. There are things about her that I did not include in her bio because those are things I want to bring up in the role-play.

5) Do not make your character perfect. It ruins the whole thing and makes it boring when they know exactly what to do in any situation. Characters are meant to have flaws in order to be interesting and realistic. Just like how every single person in real life has their own flaws.

6) Do not send me a second message if I don't respond right away. I have a life outside of the internet and sometimes it'll also take me a while to send a message because I was either writing one to someone else or because I was in the middle of writing one to you. If I have a lot to say in a message then, it might take a while to send you one. So be patient for me to respond. At the very least, wait a day or two before sending me another message because I might not have even gotten an email notification on my phone telling me that I had one.

7) If you are under the age of 18, please do not ask me for a romance rp. I am in fact over the age of 18 so I do not want to do any romance rps with minors. That's just how it is.

8) Do not be rude. I'm usually a very nice person but if someone wants to get mad at me for no reason and be an a**, then I can very easily turn in to a b*tch. And even though I don't get mad easily, I do get annoyed very easily.

9) Not really a rule, I just don't know where else to put this little fact. I am willing to do gay or lesbian ships so feel free to ask. I myself am bi and enjoy a bit of guy/guy or girl/girl. I'm even comfortable with role-playing as either gender so feel free to ask if you want me to rp as a male or female character. That's why I have both Cassandra Ripley and Clint Williams after all.

I think that is it for now. I'll be sure to add more later on if I think of anything or if something new pops up that I need to make a new rule for. And if you've made it this far, please like the blog or something so that I know you've read it.
Heart this
23 | Dec 28th 2019 20:37
SunBunni Can agree to this for ya