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Shadow Arceus (Pokemon Rp)

Name: Shadow Arceus
Code name: XD000
Species: Dark Alpha Pokemon
Personality: Looks like original arceus, but more eviler and darker. The god of all shadow pokemon, More powerful than shadow lugia
Backstory: A scientist was studying the DNA of arceus. Trying to clone another arceus, but turned out to be more worse. A simple dark serum accidentally fell in the tube of the clone arceus. The dark matter took over the DNA and made a dark/shadow body of arceus. The scientist came back and was amazed that he created a full shadow arceus. The clone managed to escape and destroyed the laboratory. He has been hiding in the shadows and comes out at night. His main mission was to destroy the main arceus. He's holding the item, Darkness Plate. A plate the powers up any shadow moves.
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0 | 0 Comments | by The_Hybrid_One | Feb 20th 2016 17:59

Lord Betrayus

Name- Betrayus
Species- Nephilim:Half angel, half demon
Items- A amulet: A blue amulet that is a memento from his father and his mother and it is a key to open the Demon World.
Family- Brother of Galacta Knight, Son of Sparda and Eva
Powers- Fire magic, Demonic powers, Summon swords,
Weapon- Devil's Arm, a powerful arm that gave him much strength by defeating his enemies and powerful demons, Sword of Sparda, A powerful sword that belongs to his father, Sparda. This ultimate sword have five weapons that i can switch to an axe, spear, scythe, trident, and the sword itself.
Weakness- Being defeated
Personality- Once betrayed a king that he mostly trust and earned his new name. Doesn't talked hardly to anyone and made a deal with a wizard that he will takes his place once he dies and he earned his fire magic.
Appearance- Sometimes wear a cloak to hide his identity, wearing dark clothes to blend in the dark and wearing black gauntlets with platinum claw fingers.
Back story- He was given birth from his angelic mother. The mother give birth to another baby, is brother, Galacta Knight. Their mother's name is Eva, a beautiful angel woman that gave love to her family. He was born with demon wings as his brother was born with angel wings. His father was a demon who betrayed his own kind to save the human and angel races. Their father's name is Sparda, a legendary demon that was ruler of the demon world, but betrayed his own race. Their were the Nephilim family. They live with a happy life on their own. The family lived in a mansion far away from a kingdom or town. On their seven birthday, the Nephilim twins practice sword training and battling each other. They learn how to fly with their full grown wings. Those mother gave them a precious amulet to bond their mother and father. Galacta knight kept the red amulet as Betrayus kept the blue amulet. On their tenth birthday, galacta knight grow small yellow demon horns and have darker pink hair and Betrayus's hair went from black to silver/white hair. Sparda gave them their first weapon. Betrayus had a sword with a skull on it. Galacta knight was given a lance and shield. On their twelfth birthday, Sparda took the twins when their mother wasn't expecting it. Sparda got hell creatures and told them which one they want. Betrayus went for a demonic six star, one eye demon name, Black Doom. Galacta knight wasn't sure which to pick until he found the one. This demon only have legs with sharp toes, pure black scales, and a mouth with no eyes. this demon's name is Imprisoned. Once they picked their pets, the pets spirit went in their bodies as they received tattoos in between their wings. Once they got back home, Eva was not impressed when Sparda take the boys without telling her and was scared when she sees the tattoos on hers sons backs. That night, a horde of demons charged after them as Sparda let Galacta and Eva run away. Leaving Betrayus with him to fight along. They failed as Sparda's sword went to a regular sword. They took Betrayus and Sparda back to the demon world with them. After five years of imprisonment and punishing, His demon form awaken as he broke free from the chains and kills demons that were in his way. His arm changed into a Devil's arm that gives him more power by killing powerful demons. He stole his fathers sword and escaped the demon world.
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1 | 0 Comments | by The_Hybrid_One | Feb 19th 2016 14:04


Something extremely strange is going on, in the Wildlands. Something extremely worrying that has nothing to do with the Gods nor the strange curse that was cast on them to protect its inhabitants. -By a Nimox, in fact-.
Under the totally panicked eyes of Loop -in the North-, Yesheng Riluò tribe -in the East-, Taluchi tribe -in the West- and the Nimox de Roux -in the South- (The established "Guardians" of each), everything disappeared, vanished in nothing. Only them and plants are left, not even a single insect. Duga, the Nimox who made the curse, is the first to be shocked about that fact and he himself can have no clue of what happened to all the animals and creatures inhabiting the Wilds. And the same happened in every area, North, East, West, South. No corpses, no track of migration, within a night, everything just disappeared like for magic.

Right now the Wildlands are totally silent and quiet, only wind bloowing through the leaves of the millenary trees can be heard. And it's not that its inhabitants went to hide somewhere or just left, they disappeared from the world in a totally mysterious way.
It was taken by many as a very worrying sign. But despite it was not Gods' doing, it's not like there is any way to ask them for confirmation, so, many people are convinced Isseiner is angry for some big but unknown reason.

On a positive side though, currently the Wildlands are -ironically- the safest place in Nortrig, even safer than cities or forests of the various countries, as in those there are some predators and dangerous animals, mostly at night, while in the Wildlands there are ONLY plants. They could safely be walked by a child like a public park.
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1 | 15 Comments | by Ziqun | Feb 19th 2016 11:50

Damain stray

Nickname: day or D

Gender: male

Age: 15

Appearance: short blonde hair with unruly bangs, lightly tanned skin, light sky-blue eyes a dark tan/light Brown spolchy birthmark under and to the right of his right eye that runs down his neck in spots.

Preferred clothing: normally wears a light grey long sleeve shirt with a v-neck line and a dark grey or black vest paired with black sneakers and a silver chain necklace.

Personality:very creative and upbeat. Normally very stern and uninterested in anything outside his own imaginary world. He will sometimes say random things to himself out loud and wonder why people look at him funny. He ignored most people and will be rather rude should somebody persuade him. He tends to talk to himself and argue with himself often and likes to stay to himself.

Preferred weapon: none he avoids violence

History: (will add as I come up with it)
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Feb 18th 2016 23:07


Leader: Damian green

Close range huntress: Azule twine

Long range Hunter: Roland Mont

Dust soeacialist: Karma midnight
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Feb 18th 2016 20:32

Roland Mont

Nick name: R

Gnder: male


Appearance:stands about 5"7" weighs about 148 pounds. Scars trace the entire left side of his body and head. He had tanned skin. His left eyes is pale milky blue while his right eye is a pure navy blue with no pupils and the white of His eye is normally bloodshot. He has shoulder length navy blue hair shaven on the left side of his head.

Preferred clothing: a black sleeveless leather vest with a hood. Black fingerless leather gloves that pull up to his elbows. Black combat boots. Black jeans and normally a black leather jacket.

Preferred weapons: a sileced 50 cal sniper rifle with hear/thermal scanners and armor piercing bullets that send shrapnel throughout the object it hits. Two long daggers with double blades, four small throwing knives most of the time with poison slacking the blades and two hidden small thin hidden blades in his gloves. Finally a small pistol.

Killing style:normally goes for quick clean and quiet kills but can decide to have some fun every now and then by mangling a few bodies.

Personality: he is borderline insane, he is that one completely perverted a**hole that nobody likes but they do like having around, he drifts between groups most of the time and never really understood the meaning of the word betrayal. He is just about never serious unless he is working and will always try to lighten the mood. Roland doeasnt ever get close to people because his line of work could lead to him killing them All. He does his job without any reguard for Those who he kills as long as he gets a good amount of money and the person isn't a child as he refuses to hurt children. Sometimes if he thinks a target is cute he won't hurt them but fake their death. He is homosexual and doesn't care who knows. He likes the strong muscles type of guy that stays distant and cold.

History: Roland was an archangel but around the time of the great war he was cast out and stript of his wings along with his memory. Though he cant remember it He got his scars from a time when he fell to earth rendering him blind in his left eye. He was soon hired as an assassin and fell in love with the line of work. He is often hired by both sides of the wars and never really cared as long as he got paid.
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2 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Feb 17th 2016 08:46


Name: Winter (Female)
Age: 15 or 18
Apperrence: ember hair, grey eyes, black dress and cloak
Species: Vampire
History: one day at her home (before she was a vampire) she and her parents were inside drawing pictures together til Lucifer(other known as Satan) along with some of his followers stormed into their house...her father argued with him saying that they didn't have what he was looking for and that he should leave before something bad happened but he didn't listen and killed them, right in front of her turning her into a vampire. After that day she vowed to one day avenge her parents and destroy the one person she hated most, with the power he could never find which she possessed is the power of shadows and darkness which was a very powerful power to have if she was going to kill Lucifer.
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3 | 0 Comments | by DemonWerewolf | Feb 16th 2016 20:47

A poem I know I will never write

Happiness is just an illusion
Love is a trap for those who fall for it
but one things for sure life has no meaning
so whats the purpose of us being here

sorry if this depresses most of you out there but it's my way i view life unhappy and lifeless T-T
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2 | 1 Comment | by DemonWerewolf | Feb 16th 2016 12:22


Age: 545 (looks about thirty)

Height: 6'2
Hair color: dark brown
eye color: Amber

Rigel is a centuries old elven mage who spends most of his time wandering the land helping people. Because of this he doesn't have a permanent home of his own, but he is always welcome amongst his own people. Although most of his knowledge concerns various forms of magic (attack spells, conjuring, healing spells), he is no slouch with a melee weapon, his preferred weapons being the blade and the staff. Although he loves to help people, he does often open up to others, partially due to losing his parents to an accident when he was very young. However, when he does open up to someone he considers him or her to be a close friend and will do anything to make sure him or her are safe.
In certain rps he is a dragonrider, his mount a dark-green scaled male named Roland. Like himself Roland prefers to keep his personal life close to himself, but he is far more open with strangers.
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0 | 0 Comments | by marioradium | Feb 10th 2016 17:43

Alcor Eissturm

Age:15-19 (depends on rp)

height: 5'11
hair color:ice-blue
eye color:ice-blue

Other than his eyes and hair Alcor appears to be your average teenager, but he isn't. He is a half-demon, the son of of the ice-demoness Kaguya and a mortal man who passed away when Alcor was young; even though he doesn't remember anything about his father, Kaguya says he is just like him: kind, willing to help others, and sometimes a little to c*cky for his own good. He inherited the ability to control ice and water from his mother, although he isn't quite as skilled as her. At age 15 he left home to wander among humans, wanting to find out about that part of him through firsthand experience. He tries to keep his power use to a minimum while among them, but there are times when words do not work and the ice storm must rage.
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2 | 0 Comments | by marioradium | Feb 10th 2016 17:42

Rai (lightning demon)

skin color: light-brown
hair color:dark brown
eye color: brown

Rai is the son of a male noble and a female demoness who met during a civil war twenty-five years before his birth. the war was one of succssion fought between three half-brothers, the middle one being the cousin of rai's father. the war lasted five long years, during which the two fell in love. they met in secret many times, the last meeting being after the middle brother won and declared himself daimyo. it was during this meeting that rai was concieved. the pair could never openly marry due to the daimyo's anti-demon stance, so rai's father raised him alone, claiming that the mother had died in childbirth.

as he grew older, rai knew he was different, but it wasn't until he was ten that his father informed him of his demon blood. as he had seen how the daimyo's soldiers treated low-level demons that were caught, rai knew that he must keep it a secret. he also knew that he must learn to control his powers, as it would be dangerous to his secret if they were to go off accidently. rai honed his skills over the next nine years, both alone and with the help of his father's court shamen.

everything was going fine until his nineteenth birthday. that year the daimyo died without a son; rai's father was the closest male relative. a few of the older nobles were unhappy with this turn of events, having lost some of their holdings because of the war's outcome. a handful of the lords went digging, one getting lucky and finding out about their new daimyo's meetings with a half-demon. with this information, a coup was plotted and executed during a meeting of the nobles; rai's father was mortally wounded during the battle. by chance rai was away from the castle that day. news quickly reached the male and he ran, seeking refuage in a forest that he knew no soldier would follow him into because of supersituion.

rai wants to avenge his fathers death, but knows now it would be foolish. until the moment is right, he must further hone his powers and find a place to live peacfully. if he can, he would also like to find out who his mother was and meet her.
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0 | 0 Comments | by marioradium | Feb 10th 2016 17:42

Hotai Mintaka (naruto oc)

Age:13-19 (depends on rp)

Hair:light brown
Eye:Dark Green
rank:chunin (graduated from the academy at 10)
chakra nature:fire
weapon choice: retractable staff

Both of Hotai's parents died during the Kyubbi attack, so he was raised by his aunt Kya; being a jonin specializing in chakra nature Kyo focused most of her nephews training on chakra manipulation. At age 8 she had him do the paper test and found out his nature was fire, befitting a Konoha shinobi; the only thing odd about it was that neither of his parents had this nature (his father was wind while his mother was lightning). By the time he graduated from the academy at 10 he had the basic fireball jutsu down. over the next few years Hotai researched all the fire techniques he could, slowly accumulating an arsenal; while he did study a few A-ranked ones--such as fire wall--he tries to keep their usage to a minimum, as he doesn't have 100% control over that level yet. His best friends are his two squad mates: Kasai Haruno and Mako, and he trains with them whenever possible. He has an outgoing personality and loves to make friends, though when out on missions he tries his best to be professional and not give away to much information.
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3 | 0 Comments | by marioradium | Feb 10th 2016 17:41

Dave (fantasy verse)

Age:15-19 (depends on rp)

Hair:medium brown
attire:semi-traditional wizard robes to casual attire.

Dave seemed like your average boy being raised by his grandmother, but there was more below the surface. Grandma was a witch; not a particularly powerful one, but skilled enough to start teaching Dave the trade. By age ten he had learned all the practical stuff his grandmother knew, so he started collecting and reading all books he could find on the subject. Over the next few years he continued to hone his skills, perfecting low level healing and shield spells and beginning to learn offensive spells. At age 15 Dave left home, having decided that experience out in the world would help hone his skills more. His grandmother gave him a little money to start off with, and he works odd jobs to make more when needed. Dave's skills grow by the day, but he still has a long way to go to become a master wizard. He is friendly and makes friends easily, but he is a little shy when it comes to girls. He might not be the biggest person physically, but makes up for it with his magic.
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0 | 0 Comments | by marioradium | Feb 10th 2016 17:41

New Character!

Name: Classified
Code name: Night
Rank: Captain
Weapon specifics: Long range and/or silenced. Pistols must always be silent. Due to short range except for customs.
Age: 32
Weight: 242 lbs.
Bio: "you want to know me huh? Either f*ck off or earn my trust."
Likes: finishing his objectives.
Dislikes: ignorance, strict, and assholes.
Sexuality: Straight.
Generation: modernization
Pic of character will not be shown due to having to always copying a link so he will be posted momentarily
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2 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Sin | Feb 9th 2016 01:43

Ashley Costello

Hell ashley Costello is one of my characters and I am basically going too put the same thing for her as I do Oliver's she can be whatever you need for a story line or plot :)

A little bit about ashley is she loves reading music that type of stuff what she looks in for a guy is sweet lovely dovy type she is shy and can be a bitch when needed but she just wants someone who will love her for her :)
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14 | 9 Comments | by AshleyCostello | Feb 7th 2016 05:50