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Wake me up when september ends

Lui ha ricevuto la lettera della riunione e sinceramente dopo averla letta, è stato spinto adandare più alla gioia di allontanarsi un po' da casa, piuttosto che dall'irrefrenabile desiderio di rivedere i suoi cari fratelli.
Lui è nel luogo prestabilito nel giorno prestabilito nell'orario prestabilito, e sta aspettqndo gli altri.
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2 | 37 Comments | by Dark_Lord | Apr 29th 2016 14:39

I wanna be rich and I want lots of money...

Since the "Inventors' Fair" will last for a few days, he is going to remain in the North for the time being. He of course hired himself the most expensive room in the most luxury inn, to make his stay the most comfortable it could be. He has no intentions to have any dealing with his brothers and actually intends to avoid them like plague. He doesn't find it easy to forgive them and for the moment has no intention to, if they met, for the most, it would just turn out to be a big bunch of arguments, especially with Benjamin.

Anyhow, being a very known celebrity all over the world, wherever he goes he is followed by a little crowd of people trying to befriend him to get some advantages/to convince him to hire them/help them become famous or simply get an autograph or a picture with him. It doesn't disturb him one bit, he actually loves it, makes him feel even more important.

In the evening, after the Fair, -he returned to his room hours before- he goes out to head to a nice restaurant for dinner, but of course gets stopped by the bunch of people who were waiting for him right out of the inn and there he simply starts to sign autographs, happily.
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1 | 50 Comments | by Dobermann | Apr 28th 2016 17:54

Mr Torres

//WARNING: character strongly inspired to Tony Stark xD//
His real name is Fabian Cornelius Riddle, he is the last son of Morgan thus the youngest of the -elder-Riddle brothers. (Yes, age of playbys doesn't make any sense xD) He is known to the world as Mr Torres, top mind of the West, poo-Mr-no-one-guy who reached the top by himself. And it's not far from the truth, actually.
He invented various revolutionary ways to use applied magic and alchemy, especially infusions. He started with (Magic) weapons (Wands and staves), but as soon as he got enough success, he also involved various other "magic technologies" like flying brooms, hoverboards and so on. His brand is the most popular all over the world and he is rich beyond measure. Every single coin he owns he earned though.

Facts about him:
-Eccentric, party lover, "Don Juan/Casanova";
-A bit snob sometimes;
-Rather funny and laid back person, prefers to enjoy his life;
-Hard worker sometimes too;
-Thought/hoped dead by various Northern people.

Characters reactions towards him:
-His brothers -hate and jealousy; (But also quite big regrets)
-Ladies tend to appreciate him;
-Men tend to hate him.

-Good drinks;
-His nephews;
-Too cool items.

-His brothers and father;
-People who don't go crazy for him in general.

-To spend too much time with his brothers.

Fabian is the last child born from Morgan and Faith before she died, thus the youngest of Morgan's children and youngest brother of Edward and co.
Ever since his first years of life he was always the "black sheep" of the family under almost every point of view. The worst troublemaker the Royal family ever knew (back then, at least), reckless, rebel and all the opposite to what Morgan claimed his children to be.
And when he grew up into a teen things only got worse. He was even less obedient, only wanting to do as he liked, only fun and nothing else. He used to completely neglet his studies, but thanks to his brilliant mind he always managed to get away with decent marks at the exams -naturally not obtaining marks as high as Morgan claimed from his kids-. He refused categorically to attend Military Academy, as all of his brothers did by their father's will -Yes, even Richard had to, even though didn't manage to complete the training-.
Fabian's relationship with Morgan was a full mess, all he did was to provoke his father who was certainly not so patient towards this kind of behaviour from his sons. And with his brothers it was never much better. Some were simply jealous he had the guts to defy their father and do only what he wanted, other were pissed like hell at him for disappointing their father, other simply didn't stand his attitude.
No one noticing or appreciating his genious and personality at home, so he sought some appreciation elsewhere, from the other nobles of the North. He spent years just going from party to party, making messes, scandals and really accomplishing nothing at all, until one day, Morgan had enough. He didn't deny him, but he kicked him out of the Royal Palace with absolutely nothing. Not another place where to stay, not a single Flake to hire a room, nothing. He was in the street, like a tramp. And he was treated like garbage by everbody, rich and poor. Nobody rose a finger to help him, family and friends all "vanished" right when he needed the most.
This big change in his life, passing from living with every comfort and among the greatest riches to struggle to survive, dirty and miserable definitely taught him a lesson and opened his eyes about his priority. He finally put that brain he was gifted at work and came up with a series of brilliant ideas, something truly revolutionary. But he had nothing, no materials, not even a decent piece of wood for a classless prototype. He needed some money to give life to his ideas, and not even much, just a couple of Dolavis to get materials and some equipment then the rest would all come by itself.
So, with a whole bunch of motivation, he headed to the Royal Palace, begging to have an audience with the King, but he was never let to even set a foot inside, the guards never let him pass as they had order to keep him away.
Bitterly disappointed, he tried to seek help from his rich brothers, but all he got was doors shut on his face, one by one. Nobody wanted to listen to him, nobody was willing to give anything at all to him. No one would even believe he wanted money to build something anyway.

After that, his disappointment grew and turned in quite some hate naturally, but he realized there was nothing for him in the North. In there he would just die in the street, so he moved to the place he considered the most fitting, given his situation. He went West, what better place for someone without any money than a country in which money doesn't exist? In there, he built himself a fake identity, he didn't want anybody to know he was a Riddle or even a Northern. Luckily one of the few things he learnt was Western language so he had really no problem to pretend he was just a random Western man who moved from an island to a new one.
For the first years he did his best to fully integrate himself in the community, so he went to fish, hunt and work with the other men. In fact it was a great improvement from his previous life, he had food, a small roof over his head and some decent human contact. And he soon managed to earn a lot of friends within the community with some little yet brilliant ideas that highly improved the quality of life of them all, especially the men. Ways to optimize work, to obtain much more with less effort. Plus, in there he could easily provide himself the materials he needed, without having to buy them but just gathering them. Soon enough he had a prototype ready and pretty neat. All he had left to do was to patent it to be able to start selling it. And he did it in the South in fact, despite it is not so common. He had no intention to show up in the North and the East was quite out of limit areas, while in the west there was no such thing as legal offices.
He didn't use his real identity but his fake one. He had no intention to show to the world as an "nth brilliant Riddle mind" nor gift the North with yet another brilliant crafter. He wanted to give all the credit to the West and his fake self, so indeed signed his patent as Fabio Torres, brilliant fisherman of the West. It all went smooth and fine, even the South had to recognize the greatness of the invention and soon enough it was sold all over the country. And thanks to the far traders, it quickly spread all over the world, North and East included. That way, Torres name became quite an international brand and symbol of innovation and mostly, nobody had the slightest clue he was Fabian Riddle. His story became also quite popular as it happens very rarely that a Western man managed to reach the top.
Meanwhile in the North, his disappearance was taken as a sign of his death and needless to say, many felt dreadful, destroyed and felt guilty for it. Nobody took it lightly, especially Morgan and Christoph.

In very few years, Fabian became one of the richest men of the world and the more he earned, the more new things he released to the International Market. His improved flying brooms reached the magic market till Earth and beyond.
He got himself a huge and uber equipped workplace and of course, an insanely luxury villa in his own island. -Yes, he owns an island.- He started again to attend every possible party and in fact, people literally begged him to participate, he became one of the most popular people all over the world. With such fame and ending up on every newspaper each few weeks, it was simply impossible that his family wouldn't eventually realize that "Mr Torres" was actually Fabian.
But then, it was him to refuse any contact with family. When he needed he found only shut doors, now it was his own door to be shut.

And it has stayed shut till these very days in fact. Until, a big gathering of brilliant minds (Regarding engineering, physics, maths and such) was organized and he was forced to participate together with Richard, but also Dexter and Thomas. Now, he always focused on full hate for his brothers, but nephews he never even considered. They didn't do any wrong to him and in fact, he got so pleased with both Dex and Thom that he definitely decides to approach the family a little again, but for no other purpose than to get to know his nephews and recover the time lost with them, only. He has no intention to give any serious second chance to his brothers, but it might change at some point.
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2 | 1 Comment | by Dobermann | Apr 28th 2016 06:55

Bohemian rhapsody

Is this the real life ?
Is this just fantasy ?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me
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0 | 0 Comments | by Arran | Apr 27th 2016 13:27


Name: Necrodeus
Meaning of his name: Necro (Death in Greek) Deus (God in Latin)
Personality: Don't care about anything at all, Likes to kill, Better then Hades and the Grim Reaper
Appearances: Light Purple hair, white devilish horns, Red eyes, shadowy purple short cape, platinum hands with a clear orange sphere on the back of his hands, His staff, and a belt of skulls of his enemies that he defeated.
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0 | 0 Comments | by The_Hybrid_One | Apr 27th 2016 01:03

Bad romance.

Regarding Carlie and Caleb.

Carlie is a very complicated person, nothing new, and now that her real form was revealed to the world, she got even worse, as she is constantly on defensive mode, like a wounded animal.
It is really not easy to deal with her especially for what concerns close relationships. This is what went so wrong between her and Caleb. One really needs the patient of a saint to bear her and Caleb definitely doesn't match that description. He is a free spirit and most of all, they are too different minded for it to work. Because they really tried.

They stayed together for about 3 weeks in total until Caleb realized it really couldn't work.
Problems between them:
-Caleb wanted his freedom, needed to have his space and time for himself;
-She was madly jealous and wanted to control every single movement he made, fearing he could cheat on her, especially with other females of the Pack;
-He wanted to just be together, she claimed certainties;
-When they would try to plan about their future life together, it would end up in argument. He wanted to keep living by Ezekiel, close to him and the Pack. She wanted to build a place of their own, the farthest possible from Ezekiel.
-For dates, he was all about cheap steak houses, lots of meat for few Flakes. She was all about the most sophisticated and luxury restaurant where you eat barely anything for Dolavis over Dolavis.
-But the breaking point was another: children. He wanted many, good cubs to raise within the Pack. She doesn't want children at all.
It is something they just couldn't ignore, it is too much of an important thing in life, neither could he force her to have children nor she could force him to not have any.

At first when he broke with her she was really mad, fled on Earth again, was embarassed and hurt, cried and hated. But then reasoned and came back, clarified with him and returned to be best friends as if nothing happened. Though, it quite drained her back from any relationship, making her even more insecure.

Regarding Carlie and Jackil.

Jackil has recently become an even more complicared person than Carlie, because of Zivhur's blood which awakened because of the transformation.
It is very easy for something to snap in his mind, a glance on Carlie was enough for him to go crazy. Bad Jackil got instantly obsessed with her while good Jackil simply got interested in her, liking her look. Because of his reckless other side, he ended up thinking very deeply and constantly about her, ending up having rather bad and violent fantasies about her. And since theu are powerful creatures, thinking too deeply about a person easily results in the mind of the person to be influenced in some way. In the specific, his fantasies resulted in bad nightmares to her. Despite she never saw him before the first nightmare.
Though he never really approached her until they both got chosen to join the team.
She naturally kept some distance from him at first, she is a coward and really doesn't fancy those nightmares to come true.
That until a day. Her behaviour was not enough to discourage Jack, when he wants to approach a woman he does it.

That day, he headed to the headquarter at about lunch time, after spending the morning visiting his patients in his clinic, available to service.
There was only Carlie as the rest were either busy with their other jobs or out in mossions.
She was in the kitchen, sat by the dining table, reading an old book while waiting for her chef to serve her her food.
Jackil defintiely found this as a perfect occasion to approach her, since when the others are around is basically impossible to hope for some privacy.

He greeted her and placed his shoulderbag on the table, sitting near her but not too much.
It is in moments like this that he is grateful for Mort's obsession with culture as he taught him even too many things about classic literature and in the specific the author of the book she is reading.
He managed to start an interesting and cultural conversation which definitely caught her attention in a very positive way. And in the end, when he had to go for a duty, he finally asked her to go out with him for a date, that evening. After an initial hesitation, she decided to give him a chance. Despite those nightmares she had about him, he seemed very all right so far. She couldn't deny Jackil is about all she seeks in a man, successful, intelligent, culturated, classy, strong and he is even a Prince. Like the man of her dreams but even above what she hoped.

That evening they indeed met, Jackil chose his favorite restaurant in Kempf, very luxury and classy, just how she likes them. She found the experience rather perfect and above expectations. After restaurant they went to a sophisticated club to drink something and ended the evening by Jack's old home, the one shared with Mort.
She had really a great impression overall and asked herself for a second date, which of course was accepted by Jackil. And the next evening went even better than the previous. Made her ignore all the stupid worries that this relationship could go as bad as the previous, it is clear there is a special harmony between them.
The next day they did not have the chance to meet due to Jack's jobs.
The following evening she decided to surprise him, heading to Crowley city where he had his patrol duty to wait for him to end his shift.

After losing control for the first time at the celebration where he fought against Cole, that part of him worsened. And when he is stressed, it simply becomes too easy for it to awaken. No matter how hard he struggles with himself, when Zivhur's blood takes over he is just like under a mind-controlling spell, as if he was possessed, he can see what happens but he can't control his body. And given the frustration that being an EG causes to him, that's exactly the moment in which it is the easiest for him to lose control over himself.
And he was exactly in that state at the end of the shift, "bad Jackil" imprisoning "good Jackil" inside. And what is love to good Jackil is obsession for bad Jackil, so Carlie is always bad Jackil's first target if he is not distracted by an immediate other person. Even if she wasn't there he would go and find her, the result is always the same and in truth, it is a luck. Because she deserves to be punished and she is a Shifter, thus much stronger than average women, physically. Xilon for first thinks that it is the best tbis way, so that unless someone caused hate or anger to him, bad Jackil will always go after Carlie.

**After the transformations that caused Zivhur's blood in him to awaken, his left eye color changed, from deep blue to bright silver.
When he loses control and thus is "bad Jackil" his right eye turns silver as well (while it stays blue when he is in himself. In normal he has now an eye of a color and the other of another). Plus, while good Jackil tends to keep his hair combed towards his face, bad Jackil pulls it backwards with his hand all the time. So when one gets familiar with these signs it becomes easy to recognizes whether to be in front of Jackil or Zivhur's "acolyte". He turns creepy and very violent and blood thirsty.**

Needless to say, in the end it was Carlie to receive a surprise that evening, and not a pleasant one. Her only luck in this is that he is obsessed to have her for himself, so he will never want to kill her.
In brief, he roughly dragged her to Mort's mansion and abused her rather violently. Literally one of her nightmares come true. He passed out afterwards as Zivhur's grip started to loosen and she took the chance to run away, back home.

She spent the rest of the night and half of the following day, locked inside her bathroom, curled up into the bathtub, crying all the time. Since she is quite a coward, this falls pretty heavy on her and despite she really likes Jackil a lot, she'd rather run away for the rest of her life than focus on the situation. Which is not what is wanted "above".
Xilon and Cas want Jackil to be happy, because he is paying enough without deserving it. Naturally, each one of them sees it under a different point of view, but they both agree on the fact that she is no innocent and a punishment won't be anything unfair. Plus, the Zimox of Sethi have the order to combine them two as they are destined to be together, to give birth to a specific person. Since Xilon has a little debt with his sister and since he also wants to make sure things go the way he planned, he showed up to Carlie, into the bathroom.

He threatened her, to make her more afraid of running away than of what Jackil would do to her in his worst mind state, forcing her to stay close to him whether she liked it or not. He was convincing enough, not only using threats but also opening her eyes on a few things, like the fact Jackil is rarely bad and almost always good, so he will have much more good to share than violence. Plus she could consider it a way to redeem herself by doing good to a good person. And he also explained her very convincingly, the blood situation which is causing him his double personality.
Jackil meanwhile, after realizing it wasn't just a dream but it happened for real, rushed to Edward, confessing what he did to him and getting himself tortured, very very bad. The fact he is much more resilient and heals so fast makes him able to take so much more than normal, so it truly turns into a real endless hell.

Xilon also told her what Jackil did to punish himself and that he doesn't approve, since he clearly didn't deserve it. Anyhow, eventually he just leaves her alone, since his presence only worsen things to her, but he knows that what he told to her was convincing enough, a whole bunch of: threats+promise of rewards+redemption+ot the hounds+your Charming Prince.
It left her quite thoughtful, but feeling a bit better, especially to know that the real Jack really had nothing to do with that.

When she finally got out of the bathroom the servants warned her she received some package delivered by the postman, signed H.R.H. Jackil Riddle.
She asked for it to be taken to her room and after some hesitation she opened it. Jackil sent her one very ancient and rare book, something she told him she was after for her books collection and that she never managed to obtain in any way. And naturally there also was a letter written with heart and all his sorrow for what happened, trying to explain to her the situation, asking for a meeting whenever and wherever she would want in order to have that one last conversation, as he wouldn't expect her to want to date him any further nor give him another chance. He didn't even want it, thinking that quitting the relationship would make her safer. But it would bring no good nor make her safer, quite the opposite.
Despite it took her a while of hesitation before answering, she accepted to meet him, in his clinic while he was at work.

The meeting went with a lot of sorry words, a lot of apologizes, a lot of tears -from both sides- and a lot of hugs. Carlie admitted to him she was afraid and that it wouldn't just disappear, but she also admitted she didn't want to run away this time, because she wanted to be with him, she felt it was the right thing, not even considering Xilon's threats one bit. She realized that if she will ever be with a person, it will have to be Jackil. He really impressed her too positively and she doesn't want to ever give up on him. For this one thing, she didn't want to be a coward.

So, currently, they are together at all effects. They don't hide it with anybody, are pretty ok with people -except Dorian u^u- knowing about it. They are still a bit troubled and working about the "bad Jackil" matter, but overall they are happy together.
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4 | 1 Comment | by Crow | Apr 26th 2016 18:32

Killer queen.

Lui si è rotto della gente che non vuole dirgli le cose, tutti nella squadra sanno contro chi combattono tranne lui. E se non fosse abbastanza che non sa delle cose, alcuni membri della squadra lo stuzzicano in continuazione senza poi dirgli niente.
Ne ha abbastanza di tutti quanti e quindi vuole sapere che cosa sta succedendo e che osa stanno architettando. Qui sorge un problema perchè lui non può leggere le loro menti e quindi decide di chiedere a qualcuno che sà sicuramente rispondere alle sue domande.
Perciò decide di pregare a qualche zimox di andare da lui, lui non si trova al quartier generale perchè gli altri non vogliono che lo sappia, per una ragione a lui sconosciuta. Quindi decide di incontrarlo in un posto dove gli altri non potrebbero mai essere.
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1 | 30 Comments | by Arran | Apr 26th 2016 11:04

Samoanoske Yucatan

Age: 21
Time: meiji era
Song that goes to him: Asking Alexandria, I won't give in.
Weapons: hand to hand expert of all martial art, favored straight samurai blade named Takoo. Dual wielded swords named Tengu as they wield power of light. Zangai ryu wielding the power of darkness (same as tengue just blades are sapphire and tengu is gold) Gratos the greatsword of wind. (Gr-ah-tos) his javelin of lightning is named Sprakus (Spr-ah-us) as the javelin wields lightening and can extend. (Like ivys sword except a javelin form)

Race: Human.
Bio: is with the oni. Like Dark Sin but only human an wields more blades. He is a man whom slays demons regardless of good or bad. His parents were slain by a man named omigushi and hed wield devastating power. How ever one day Dark Sin aided him a very long time ago to slay him. Then vanished till he gotten as strong as him. He fears nothing as he was trained by Sin himself before exposed of his demon nature.

Speciality: Fatalities, Brutalities, Angel extermination.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Sin | Apr 26th 2016 10:16

The Evil Within OC

Name: Alexandra (Alex) Harkman
Age: 26
Height: 5’6
Weight: 135.8 lbs
Occupation: Criminal/Gang member
Looks: Long red hair with part of her bangs swept back while the rest falls to frame the sides of her face along with yellow-green eyes. She normally wears a white dress shirt with a black vest and black pants with black dress shoes. She also wears a golden cross necklace along with a silver watch on her right wrist and a few black hair ties on her left. Despite her innocent looks, she’s actually wanted by the KCPD for murdering quite a few people and even a bit of robberies.
Main Weapon: Assault Rifle
Personality: Alex is commonly described as being a strange girl. And, despite the fact she gets along fairly well with the other members of her parent’s gang, she prefers to do her jobs on her own. The reason for this is because she enjoys messing with the cops that chase her. Especially Sebastian Castellanos and Joseph Oda.
Backstory: Alex was a girl that didn’t ask to live the lifestyle she’s lived. In fact, when she was young, all she wanted to do was be like other girls. But her parents told her that she wasn’t allowed to. Eventually, she learned to embrace the life of a criminal. One day, when she was 16 and after getting caught in the middle of a simple robbery, she heard police sirens. Suddenly thrown into the face of the law, she didn’t know what to do. It was then that she met Sebastian, the man who nearly arrested her until she finally ran and escaped him and his squad. Since then, she didn’t have much of a liking towards him, even when she stumbled upon the Beacon Mental Hospital and had to work with him for a bit to escape the hell hole they both got themselves stuck in. But she slowly gets used to being around him at some point. But she will always make fun of him.
~When Alex was sent into the “other world”, she was just snooping around, observing the carnage in the mental hospital, until she stumbled upon the research lab, where she was forced into being a test subject
~It is possible that Alex may have some feelings for Joseph
~She thinks that Ruvik's scares are rather “bad ass”
~Terrified of large dogs
~Before being stuck in the experiments at Beacon Mental Hospital, Alex had only met Julie Kidman once, therefore, she doesn’t know her well enough to treat her the same way she treats Sebastian or Joseph
~Alex tends to be a bit nicer to Joseph than Sebastian, but still makes fun of him
~Eventually becomes another agent at the KCPD in exchange for less jail time after helping Sebastian, Joseph, and Kidman escape the STEM program even though she wasn't around them a lot
~Trained by Kidman when she joins the KCPD after being released from jail
~One year younger than Kidman (Kidman is 27 in case you didn't know that)
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0 | 0 Comments | by G0lden_Eagle | Apr 24th 2016 23:27

Mercer Fern


[ A corpse of a fancy-looking man leans against a desk, a journal in his hands. ]

[ After grabbing the journal and brushing the blood off the hardcover, you discover the contents to be about residents who have either lived here, or people have came and go. ]

[ None of them interest you but one titled of a mysterious man named: "Mercer Fern," and decide to read it as you are quite bored with searching the ruins. ]

" Mercer Fern is in a few words from my accounts with him: mysterious, adventurous, and very dangerous. It was a colder night when I first encountered the man, and strangely he came up to me and tapped my shoulder. He said he would give me a story to write if I told him something so easy as where the nearest Inn is. Though, to be honest, I think I know why he made it easy. He just wanted his life story to be written down somewhere, so that he wouldn't be forgotten if he ever died.

" Mercer Fern was born on September fifth and ironically at the night of a full moon. His mother had sadly passed away from giving birth, which sent his father into a state of depression. During this state, his father couldn't take care of Mercer as a young baby, and thus gave him up for adoption at a local orphanage, leaving him outside the door and knocking three times before scurrying off. However, his father should've kept the child since it made him slightly happy, and it didn't take a month later until he poisoned himself and died.

" As a child, the owner of orphanage, Miss Jenkins, already noticed Mercer's mysterious behavior. Instead of wanting to play outside with the other children, Mercer wanted to stay inside and read books that were far above his skill level or so they thought. However, Mercer swiftly became a quick learner as he taught himself to read and to comprehend books that a m*tu*e adult could only read. He started to read the history of the kingdoms, tales of the lands, stories about the greatest figures in the world until his brain was cramped with knowledge about the whole continent. This information would serve him well in the future, but that didn't mean because he read a lot means that he was a coward at fighting. Mercer was gifted in a way with combat, because as Miss Jenkins describes, he is like an Elite soldier fighting other bullies. His quick reflexes made dodging attacks easy, and he hit as hard as an hammer. When a bully tried to fight Mercer, they were rewarded for their courage with a broken face and bruised body.

" As Mercer grew up, he was asked to be enlisted in the military since Miss Jenkins's reports were rather interesting to them. However, he declined, but one man listened and was glad he declined the offer. One night, Mercer was greeted by the man and wanted Mercer to join him in his band of elite hunters. A hunter can of anything from simple animals, such as boar and deer, to even demons and other savage beasts. Hunters were a primary fighting force for the military, but acted more like mercenaries and they have their own code of conduct and law. Mercer wasn't that interested, until he saw the hat that the man gave him. The hat was stylish and Mercer found it very attractive, and after he learned that their uniforms were always like this, he couldn't help but resist the offer. Thus, Mercer enlisted in the hunters, and was taken out of the orphanage at the age of twelve to begin training.

" After twelve complete years of training, learning about beasts and history of the whole world, Mercer Fern finally became a hunter. Immediately, Mercer started completing tasks as a hunter; hunting down large beasts and blasting them away with his iconic blunderbuss and even his secondary firearm, a flintlock pistol. Every creature he killed was taken down rather quickly thanks to his unique skill in combat, and the fact that he knew so much about his prey. However, he had always worked alone and discouraged working with the other hunters. Though, one day he was forced to join with the others in an assault on the ruins of a city full with creatures. The Hunters were victorious, but Mercer had purposely went alone and disobeyed his orders from his squad leader. Mercer wasn't demoted, but he was punished severely for the insubordination. He was whipped five times on the back, and each hit left a permanent scar. After that, it didn't take long for him to complain to the leader of the Hunters about this matter. Thus, it was settled that Mercer would always go alone, unless he changed his mind, on missions.

" After six more years of fighting beasts and demons and animals, Mercer became thirty and felt more battle-scarred than ever. He had killed so many creatures that the thrill of it was mostly lost, and he dared even dreamed sometimes about what it would be like to have a nice wife and a loving family. However, the code of the Hunters decrees that no hunter will engage in any sexual activity with a man or female, and not even be able to get into a relationship with another person, especially a fellow hunter. Thus, Mercer continued using his combat and intellect skills to complete his tasks, going on more raids and assaults and finding some satisfaction in them. However, one day, Mercer just suddenly disappeared. He would send letters saying a task was completed, though how he found out about the mission was unknown, but he was never seen by the Hunters ever again, though some civilians claim to see him every now and then but vanish quickly from their sight.

" To escape the Hunters, Mercer just wanted some peace. He wanted to go on missions at his own pace, and thus this left him traveling the world a lot. He never really stayed in one place, and even now after telling his tale to me, he continues to travel the world. It seems to me that all Mercer wanted to do was to be left alone to his thoughts as he did his missions, or maybe even think about whether or not he should have a family. Though, we don't know of this yet, I deciphered some things about the strange man who is seen every so often that he is bisexual, and of course single. He has a rough personality about him, especially for the wounds he had suffered from battles against the monsters, it seems he doesn't wish to be dominant in a relationship. He seems to want to be the loving, cute boyfriend in the relationship rather than the dominant lover. Currently, Mercer continues to travel the world and make things better, wearing his stylish outfit with his iconic gunpowder weapons and even keeps wearing his mask that only he has.

" After telling me his tale, Mercer Fern didn't say another word but bid me farewell and then vanished. He ran off into the night, perhaps heading to that Inn or just doing something else. Either way, I was dumbfounded to have found the man. The legend who is now thirty two and alive, wandering the world for some prey and maybe even love. "

[ Blood is splattered on the rest of the page, but nothing is there but the empty pages. ]

[ You throw the journal down and look over to the window, seeing the ruins outside with a lycan running up and down a wall. ]

[ You smirk and decide it's time to get to work as you pull out your weapon, and jump out the window with a battle cry. ]
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6 | 4 Comments | by Disconsolate | Apr 24th 2016 02:13

Star Wars OC:

Name (Pronunciation)[Meaning]: Vega (Vay-Gah) Oberon (Oh-Burr-On)
Nickname (Pronunciation)[Meaning]: Veg or V
Age: Depends on RP
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Alderaan
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Human-Zabrak mix. Mainly human.
Language(s): Basic
Phrase(s): None

_Physical Description_
Height: 5'0 - 5'5
Weight: 140
Eyes: Aquamarine
Hair: Red
Skin: Pale
Typical Clothing: Dark, loose clothing
Equipment: Depends on the RP

Personality/Attitude: Quiet, well mannered, but very temperamental.
Talents/Skills: Singing and close combat
Favorites/Likes: Depends on the RP
Most Hated/Dislikes: Depends on the RP
Strengths: Her physical strength and excellent senses
Weaknesses: Her terrible memory and quick tongue
Fears: Doing something against her morals.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading and napping when she has the time.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Depends on the RP
Sexual Preferences: Pansexual
Place/Type of Residence: Depends on RP
Occupation: Depends on RP
Family/Friends/Pets/etc: Depends on RP

( Character done on )
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3 | 0 Comments | by Izzabella_Schuyler | Apr 23rd 2016 01:45

Noramai OC (God)

Name: Mato Kori
God of: God of knowledge, minor in small things like weight watching.
Shinki: Whoever he feels is worthy
Backstory: Fought in a war with gods of war long ago, and barely survived, since then he has changed from a god of war to a god of knowledge to prevent another war, anytime a phantom appears he is on it as fast as he can
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2 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Apr 20th 2016 23:05

Norgami OC (Shinki)

Name: whatever his god names him
Weapon form: Sword
Personality: Shy, fragile, messes up a lot, has a hard time knowing right from wrong, very loyal to his god*
Backstory: As a human he was a popuar boy but died when he toke a musular guys girlfriend and got killed in his sleep.
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1 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Apr 20th 2016 23:01

Tyler Jasper


[ After hearing about some new artist that published a few of his works that show potential, you decide to search the fellow up on the internet and look at what he has to offer and who he is. ]

[ You discover that his artwork is pretty decent and unique, which could make him very popular if he makes something big. ]

[ Finally, you find the information about him and read it to yourself. ]

Tyler Jasper was born in London, United Kingdom and had quite a healthy birth. His parents were proud to call him their son, and even then at a young age, they could tell that he was going to do some big things in his life. As a child, his parents knew their predictions were getting ever true, since they had discovered the lad already learning English at an early age, and even then they saw that he was quite an artist. He could draw or paint quite complex things for a child during his time, and it made his parents even more proud to brag about their new and only child. His parents wanted to have a second child, but Tyler was always around and doing something such as playing video games, since he can be considered quite the nerd at times, or drawing. His friends were more of acquaintances, and he didn't really want to leave the house unless it was to draw something of nature. Thus, his parents couldn't really have the opportunity to try to have another child, and they didn't care since they would have grandchildren either way or so they thought.

However, as Tyler grew into his teenage years, his parents started to worry about his sexuality. After all, the teenager enjoy a popsicle quite so, and even admitted he liked sucking on them, but of course that wouldn't decide anything but it was a slight hint. His parents furthermore expected him to not be straight when he shrugged off the thought of marrying a woman, saying that women are kind and good friends, but he didn't really want to marry one. That helped decipher that he is a homosexual, and his parents were frightened by the thought, but one day it was all discovered. After all, Tyler went to his parents one day at the age of sixteen and admitted that he hadn't been going to the library for studying some nights, but actually meeting up with his boyfriend that he secretly had. Afterwards, though his parents probably wanted to throw a fit, they decided they couldn't change him and just accepted him for he is, which relieved the teenager greatly. Though now kids knew he is gay at school, and that his lover is gay as well, he didn't care. He embraced it.

Though, after high school, Tyler went to art school to help his career. He also had hated high school despite his friends, since after his boyfriend and him broke up one day from a rough fight, his former lover had told everybody that he had slept with Tyler quite often. It was quite embarrassing information, since then everybody at his school, and even his parents heard it from one of his friends, that Tyler had lost his virginity at sixteen. Though most teenagers do, it still didn't help the immense embarrassment from it. Anyways, Tyler attended art school for six years and then went out into the world to show it just how great he is. His artwork was small, and not really looked at by most people until his fifth piece of artwork which was quite intriguing. Somebody even purchased the painting from him, and that is when he started to become popular. However, Tyler is having a rough time with his newest painting which will be his greatest of them all, but of course it isn't finished but thousands are waiting for it. When it comes out, then Tyler might actually be recognized by the whole world besides Europe and the United States.

Now, Tyler at the age of twenty eight, remains in London in an apartment suitable for a couple if somebody else moved in with him. He is currently single and still a proud homosexual, though he had been in two other relationships after high school but they didn't last.Tyler is a very submissive fellow, and enjoys sleeping with his lovers if he feels they really do love him. Another fact about Tyler is that he is quite a nerd and enjoys video games, which do sometimes help with his art in ideas. Tyler is quite clean as well and is sometimes obsessed with maintaining a clean household. Now, Tyler searches for his true love in London as he finishes his biggest piece of art.
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1 | 2 Comments | by Disconsolate | Apr 19th 2016 16:54

New member

Lui si sta annoiando a morte nella sua stanza, ha già fatto il giro del palazzo almeno una ventina di volte, e conosce a memoria le stupidaggini che pensano quelli dell'Est. Insomma vorrebbe trovare qualcosa di interessante da fare...
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1 | 30 Comments | by Arran | Apr 17th 2016 17:29