
I wanna set a few rules and regulations about me and my account.
1) no drama will be allowed on my account if there is any drama you will be unfriended without hesitation and dont think about re adding me cause I will not accept it

2) If I am in a relationship no flirting with me or don't try and take my love from me. Please respect my Relationship

3) if you see that I'm single don't blow up my messages trying to flirt with me it's my choice on whom I talk to

4) I'm up for any type of rp whatsoever but I will not do any sexual rps while I'm in a relationship

Please obey my rules thx
-Paige ♡
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10 | Jun 5th 2016 18:31
HoundofInsanity Hmmmm shall i be follow these rules ...maybe :) . Maybe not