Assassin's Creed oc (3)

Real Name: Hania
Name Meaning: "Spirit warrior"
Adopted English name: James
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Kanien'kehá:ka
Looks: Pic
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 198.4 pounds
Relationships: Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor (friends), Kanen'tó:kon (friends), Achilles (treats him like a father), Aveline (unsure), Skawennahawi/Jennifer (younger sister)
Place of Origin: Kanatahséton
Languages Known: Kanien’kéha (original), English (second)
Personality: Hania is a bit more outgoing and more talkative than his younger sister. He was also more adventurous when he younger and would normally get in trouble for some of the things he would do. However, as he grew older, he became a bit more mature, but still kept his adventurous side and still gets in trouble sometimes.
Life Summery: Hania was normally the one who was able to get his sister to leave village to play with the other children. He was also the one who introduced her to Ratonhnhaké:ton, Kanen'tó:kon, and some of the other children they played with. When their village was set on fire, he was the one who hid his sister to protect her from anyone that was in the forest who would harm them and who possibly caused the fire. As time went on, he matured a bit and got into less trouble. But, along with his sister, wasn't to happy on the idea of Connor leaving their village to avenge his mother's death, but he didn't argue with him because he would have done the same thing. Time went on and he started to worry about his friend's safety and figured he should go find him. Before he visited the tribe leader, he went to go tell his sister his plans and to tell her that he would return soon, only to find out that she had already left to go find Connor. So, instead of asking permission to leave, Hania left the village quickly, more focused on finding Skawennahawi than Connor. Once he did, she had already found there friend and was glad to see that they were both alive. When he tried to tell his sister that they needed return home, she had refused and insisted on staying to help Connor. Seeing that there was no point in fighting with her, he agreed to let her stay and told her that he would help too. Much like his sister, he never really joined the brotherhood. Only helped with the fighting as he lived the rest of his life on the homestead.
Occupation: Fighter
Univers: Assassin's Creed 3
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