Assassin's Creed oc (2)

Real Name: Skawennahawi
Name meaning: "She carries the message"
Adopted English Name: Jennifer
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk Indian)
Looks: Pic
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 156.7 ponds
Relationships: Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor (Friends but him like a younger brother sometimes), Kanen'tó:kon (friends), Achilles (treats him like a father), Aveline (friends), Hania/James (Real brother)
Place of Origin: Kanatahséton (Same village as Connor)
Languages Known: Kanien’kéha (Original), English (Second)
Personality: Jennifer is normally a quiet girl, hiding away from people she doesn't know, trust, or even like. But she's not shy, just a "keep to herself" kind of person (sort of like Connor). She's more talkative once you get to know her, though. She's also rather intelligent for her age. One thing she enjoys is teaching the children of her village and, soon, other kids outside of her home the ways of her people.
Life Summery: Skawennahawi was one of Connor's childhood friends and one of the people who survived the fire when she was younger. When she was only a little girl, Skawennahawi was rather cowardly and a bit shy, so it took some convincing to even get her to step foot outside of the village to play. But she got over her fears as she grew older and became less shy and even sneaked out of the village and away from her chores to go on hunts from time to time with Connor and Kanen'tó:kon, though she was always found out and punished for it when ever she would do that. When she had first found out that Connor was leaving the village to get revenge on his mother's death, Skawennahawi wasn't to happy with it at first and even asked him to either stay or take her with him. When he refused and told her that she needed to stay back and protect the village, she knew that there was no point in arguing with him and et him leave. After a few years of Connor not returning, she grew worried and decided to find him and help him on his quest, if he was alive. After begging the tribe matriarch to tell her where he went, she left to find him, armed with only a knife. Connor wasn't to happy about her arrival when she knocked on Achilles' front door and demanded that she went back, but she refused and told him that she was going to help whether he liked it or not. She then stayed with them for sometime, taking up her new English name "Jennifer". But, instead of joining the Brotherhood, she merely helped out by gathering information and healing wounds, even taking time off to look after Achilles when he became ill. As time went on, she lived with Connor on the Davenport homestead, helping him look after the land and even new recruits to the Colonial Brotherhood.
Occupation: Messenger/Healer of the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins
Univers: Assassin's Creed 3
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1 | May 28th 2016 22:06