
Baecho organization was never mentioned anywhere nor uncovered before, but it operated for many centuries in the East, with a specific plan in mind. Their manipulation skills improved in the time and without anybody to notice, they managed to literally create an international web of spies in every country, people no one would be able to suspect, perfectly normal citizens perfectly integrated in the society.
For all this time they worked for one simple purpose: enslave the world, put a Zemo on the throne to rule all over Nortrig while Eastern Auriold race would be the one and only to inhabit the land.
They gathered great minds to use their knowledge for the creation of super soldiers to use when the moment would be right, but they are nothing like the typical dumb organizations, they sure won't march on the world with their armies in hope to win, Zemo will be on the throne much before they'll use their soldiers. In most cases, information are the most powerful weapons.

Their spies are literally everywhere, within the Royal Guards, the ministries, the nobility, the middle class, bankers all over the world and most unexpectedly, even within the Schwarze Kadel which is what gave them really all they needed for their plan to begin.
Vincent was under their mental control all along, giving all the personal information he could about both Schwarze Kadel and Death League to his masters.
They also had heavy researches regarding the Demigods, the top threat to their plan.

One cold morning, every single citizen of whole Nortrig, from South to East to North, found a mysterious anonymous newspaper on their doors, the "Call of Justice". As a main title in the first page, "HOW YOUR RULERS ARE SELLING YOUR LIVES FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT".

The newspaper, which was noticed by really everybody, included the following articles:
>DEMIGODS, they exist but their existance has always been kept hidden from you; (including a bunch of lies about an world wide plot between Demigods and Rulers to turn Auriold into slaves. It was especially simple to scare people about them, as both the name of Sao Yung and Edward Riddle appeared in the list of Demigods shared in the same article, totally complete, they managed to find every single Demigod's identity.)
>THE SECRET THREAT: THE SHAPESHIFTERS, which live among you and could take your shape and your wife any time if allowed; (Very few people knew of their existence previously, just the rulers and a few Hunters, the info was kept hidden to avoid a massive panic among people, which this article immediately caused.)
>LO KHAN, THE WEREWOLF, which caused an immediate civil war against Siwang in the East.
>THE ELITE GUARD, THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOUR SAFETY, stating the Elite Guards are only a threat to people, used by the King to scare them.
>KING ANTHONY, DOES HE REALLY CARE FOR YOU? Stating how he gave the role of the protection of his citizens to a Demigod (Edward Riddle) and a creature of a foreign world (Althus Riddle).
>THE LIEUTENANT OF THE ROYAL GUARDS IS ON THE SIDE OF CRIMINALS, describing how they let Ethan free instead of arresting him for his crimes.
>SCHWARZE KADEL, THE ULTIMATE THREAT, describing many things about the members, how Michael killed an innocent once, how Jackil took drugs and his blood problems, how Carlie is a Shifter, Harly and Eva criminals, how Cole was a threat to the North and probably still is together with Fang, the Eastern assassin.
>DEATH LEAGUE, PROTECTORS? JUST VIOLENT KILLERS. Sharing the identity of each member publicly --they struggled to keep their IDs secret- and attributing many murdering of innocents to them.
The Punisher: the ex King Francis Riddle, who faked his death to return as a murderer.
Deadpool: Wade Wilson a mutated human, a rejected among humans and a threat to the Auriold.
Daredevil: Matt Murdock, an unfair lawyer who kills people as a hobby and takes his daughter with him.
Phobiia; Clio Murdock, daughter of Matt Murdock.
Sid Riddle: the violent and monstrous son of the Demigod Edward Riddle, murderer, torturer and cannibal.

>RIDDLE FAMILY, TRAITORS OF THEIR RACE AND ENEMIES OF THE WORLD, stating how Riddle family is secretly plotting to earn the rule of the whole world, using Demigods and Shifters to achieve it.
>QUEEN SHANA, THE DEMIGODDESS OF MIJHATEV, the ruler selling the lives of her people for the sake of war.

As expected, the well written fake news were convincing, also since they stated many truths among the lines, thus the reaction of people is immediate. Revolutions and civil wars all over the world.
In the South the whole army moved against the Queen to overthrow her and her family, to exile her in the Black Sands desert to leave them to die there.
In the East, a civil war claimed Siwang to leave the rule of their country and exiled Sao as well, as a Demigod and threat to their Empire. Zemo took the throne, managing to quickly earn the love of people offering absolute protection and a whole new world.
Siwang and Sao took Choi with them, knowing the child would otherwise be killed outright.
In the North, violent manifestations from the citizens, people with torches and forks in front of every known Riddle home, claiming them to leave and accept to be exiled from the North, many went to Jackil's clinic as well and set it on fire, destroying many things, other went to wait in front ot the RG headquarters to blame Althus for the thieveries they received and for every crime ever committed against anybody they've ever known.
They also rushed the Schwarze Kadel hq and the Royal Palace, a generalized, huge mess. And it happened so fast and suddenly that no one saw it coming thus there was no possible fight back. Anthony got forced to leave the throne and move with his family, accepting the exile and so did all of the other Riddle, the heroes and anti-heroes and a number of Elite Guard, including Desmond.
The morning in which the news spread, not even schools were safe, as mobs of angry students attacked Tomiel, Malcolm, Sammy and Clio due to being Demigods the first two, son of a Demigod the third and a member of the Death League the latter. The four were literally forced to run away and same was for Richard, Mort, Miriesh, Christoph and Benjamin who were literally chased by their colleagues and angry parents, they too forced to leave the North.
And the matter was complicated, they couldn't just make a massacre of angry and scared innocent people whose minds got manipulated with that newspaper, the effect was even superior than what Zemo expected.

Through fake elections, he placed trustworthy people on the throne of North and West, making people think they chose said people themselves, while there was nothing true, just fake votes.

The exiled people from the North (around 120 people in total) moved temporarely to the Western part of the National Parks, waiting for something to do, somewhere safe to move, as in there they couldn't be any more vulnerable, and they see some strike coming from whomever plotted this whole plan. And that's not far from the truth, the exile was just a way to make them easy to kill.

Overall, the moods are naturally pretty low (except from a few, like Edward and Malcolm and others) who are really, really pissed off.
Though there is not much they can do, there are many children among them, even rather small so they urge to find a safe shelter. (Emile too was exiled for being son of the Demigod of Zimkesha)
Heart this
2 | May 28th 2016 09:23
Btch "I think it is wiser to split honestly c: " She starts to walk in mountains' direction.
Btch She arrives as soon as he mentions her totally by coincidence. (XD) "I was building the explosives and enjoying my freedom for a few seconds :D My apologises!" She starts to prepare all the explosives, hiding them well. She makes then a small hole where she places the detonator, so that as soon as they'll step on it... KAMBOOM. (XD)
"I wish I could see it in action c: "
Btch "No you can't :D It is not even funny with the tone you said it!
Ok, freedom ending soon!"
ShinLin ((I send a starter that Vincent is in Thylum and you xan aend Otto to him to be recruit ^^)
Arran ( If you wish :DDD)