I suppose I should make a few rules to abide by if we are going to write together. The following are in no order of importance as they are all equally important to me.

- No God modding. I think that’s fairly self explanatory
- No smut. Romance is fine but hardcore stuff is not. I’m not here to fulfill anyone’s weird kink fantasy. Google that nonsense.
- No ghosting. If you don’t like something step up and say something. If you’re too afraid to do so then don’t bother adding me.
- I’ll likely not role play anything I’m not familiar with so if I’m not familiar with whatever is on your profile I probably won’t add you.
- Don’t jump straight into a role play or message me in character upon your first message. That’s an auto delete.
- We all have real lives so do be patient if I’m not responding. If it’s been a few days feel free to poke me so to remind me to respond to you.
- No one liners. Multi para plus is required from me.

If there is anything more I can think of I will add it in the future.
Heart this
7 | May 21st 2024 00:55