Lunis Night Hawk, Shadakovia Rule

Name:Lunis Night Hawk
Age: 100,000 appears in early 20's
Height: 6;4
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color:Cyan
Race: Soul Weaver
Powers/Abilities : Seeing the color of peoples souls, Soul Absorption, Soul Magic

Background/Intro starter to the world

A world filled with magic and wonder, love and hate, curiosity and fear, along with races and creatures of various degrees. All of these factors have created the beautiful world of Ivalice which is unfortunately plagued by war as the world is divided amongst countless rulers with different views and ruling styles. Yet two blood rulers have decided to undertake the unthinkable, an alliance with the goal of shared rule of the realm to ensure a united and safer world. This is where the tale begins. Lunis Night Hawk , the ruler of the kingdom called Shadakovia. He rules over the creatures of the night such as vampires, werewolves and undead making most judge and fear him yet he wishes for his people to live and coexist in peace with all other races. He himself is something special called a Soul Weaver. Not much is known of his kind as he is the last of his kind and the archives of his people's history burned in the great underworld Purge of 666xxx.
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