Estir, the King/Queen in Yellow

Book colour: Golden
Sub or dom: Tends to be dom, but if overpowered can become submissive.
Threat level: 85/10
A more possessive but less painful God that can be both female and male depending on their own choice, though generally choosing for a female shape. Estir has a huge following of people who previously completed their verses. Instead of rituals Estir has a playbook filled with a long play- a tragedy. Though a bit of hurt is in the play, there isn't too much of it- especially compared to L'neta's rituals. Though Estir tends to be a proud and haughty individual, they get flustered easily upon persistance.
Most of their time is spent making their following larger, and bothering their cousing L'neta.
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4 | May 20th 2024 07:44
Cottoncandychopper Chopper whimpered like an abused puppy as he covered his head in his arms. "No!!!" The toddler-sized reindeer was clearly worried.
EldritchGoddessGf I wonder how you'd respond if you came face-to-face with auntie Nyanlathotep...
Cottoncandychopper "Don't eat my crew!" He pleaded as he held cotton candy out as an offering.
EldritchGoddessGf Eat...? Why would I eat people? Yuck... I'm not a barbarian.
Cottoncandychopper "What are you then...?" Calming himself, Chopper stared up at her face with a hoof in his pocket, ready for any threatening behavior.