L'neta, Starspawn

Book colour: Pink
Sub or dom: Switch
Threat level: 90/10
One of the younger and less powerful Eldritch Gods (not that means much...), L'neta can be incredibly sweet. She doesn't seek out humans herself, but can be summoned by use of her book. Her book can be bought or found from many different places.
Within the book various rituals will be seen, including 'the Calling', which will summon her right to your room. However, beware... an Eldritch goddess being in your reality tends to end it (see 'important lore' later).
Despite the rituals ability to harm you and those around you terribly, in return L'neta often acts incredibly sweet... and not completing them? Well... you'll find that you'd rather not mess with something of her power level.

Important lore: Your reality is but a dream from an elder god(dess). L'neta entering your dream will have it be doomed for end soon, just as how a dream must end for you. L'neta may not have ill intent, but she has no choice... worry not though, as if L'neta dreams about you again, you too shall be in that new reality...
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5 | May 20th 2024 07:37