
1. You add, you talk. Please come with some idea of what you want to write. If you send a "Hi." You're going to get one in return. I'll match the effort you put in. It's only fair.

2. Don't approach me with no idea of what you want to do. At the very least, have a pairing in mind or ask me for ideas. I have a million and I'm happy to share.

3. Para + / Third person, past tense only. I am a serious writer and I can get really detailed at times. With that said, I know not every scene needs a lot of detail. Just be reasonable. I will not write with one lines, ever. With that said, I am fine writing single para format as long as things progress and you give me something to work with.

4. FxF Only. If you have a male profile, I am not going to accept you unless it explicitly states that you are willing to write FxF pairings. If you keep requesting me, I'll just block you.

5. I prefer to keep things clean and story focused. I want interesting plot points and character arcs. With that said, if things feel right, I will occasionally write 18+ content. If it's the only thing you want to write, find someone else.

6. If you don't like something in our story, my character or anything at all, please just tell me. I'm not a picky person and I try to make sure we're both having fun in a story. I won't be upset if you want to change things up to match your preference.

7. Do not approach me in character. I prefer to discuss a story before we start.

8. Please do not ask me to choose your character for you. It shows a lack of creativity if you want someone else to do all the work for you. I'm here to bounce ideas off people and create something exciting and fun for both of us. I understand wanting your partner to enjoy the story but if I'm doing all the work, I could just as easily write a story by myself.
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2 | May 19th 2024 16:28