Oc post - Van

Name: Van

Age: 27yo
Height: 5ft8/5ft9


Van's a brunette, on the more medium/chocolate shade of brown. Mid-length, reaching his shoulders, messy most of the time. With hazel eyes, chestnut orbs lined with olive green. A bit boring one might say. From what he has been told his eyes are quite expressive but like many, he's always envied other people's features in one way or another.

Speaking of which, let's dwell a bit on his face. Well-defined eyebrows, lips that lack a bit of color and are quite thin. His noseā€¦ is average? Not small and cute but not particularly large or long either. His ear are quite small if you look closely. He's got a rather pale complexion, veins clearly visible in some places, a few beauty marks scattered here and there. Nothing too extraordinary. No tattoos, although he would have liked one or two too. Some old scars from fights, which haven't healed properly; on one of his eyelids, giving him an almost permanent black-eye, near the pelvic bone on the right side of his abdomen, on his left shoulder, on his hands, his neck, several on his back and accross his ribs.

His slender build is deceptive, a lot of people underestimated his werewolf-granted physical strength by judging him based only on looks. Being on the smaller side in terms of height doesn't exactly help either. His difficulty in gaining mass bothers him a little, even if you can still see a minimum of muscles on his body, he wouldn't hide that he's jealous of stockier/ripped men.
Going back to his hair, although long enough to make a little ponytail out of it, being of unequal lengths and sometimes cut by the dude himself on a whim, he has quite a few shorter strands that fall and rebel. When he wakes up it's even worse, his only technique to tame them sometimes is to put his head under water!


Van is relatively easy to decipher but his attitude still depends on who he is in front of him or the situation. He mostly judges people on how they treat him, the actions and words he sees for himself. Fiercely loyal once he likes you, he'll protect those he cares about quite recklessly.

Although he is usually very outgoing, he might get reckless if he's upset and doesn't know how to handle his emotions. It kinda goes hand in hand with how downright clingy he is at times. Dude doesn't understand personal space until the limits are laid very clearly by whoever's the victim of his tactile behavior.

So in short: moderation, balance, are concepts that are a little foreign to him.
Cheery most of the time, a little too curious, impulsive, airheaded and sometimes a little immature, let's be honest. He is nonetheless endearing and ready to help others even if it does not bring him anything.


To sum it up, Van has always been quite energetic, a bit eccentric but very social dude. Sometimes too much so, which resulted in other kids not wanting to associate with him. He was extremely close to his younger sister though and almost overly protective. Even if she disliked it, he got into quite a few fights with people who had insulted or hurt her.

Divorced parents complicated things and then he was disown, thrown out of the house by his father after coming out as transgender. In a way, getting bit saved his life. It allowed him to forage, to be strong enough to survive when he was barely out of highschool, still learning the ways of the world.

Fortunately for him he met some nice people as he travelled from town to town. Lending him a place to sleep, sometimes food, giving him work so he could afford to get new clothes. This nomadic life also means he crossed into werewolf packs territories without necessarily knowing and got his ass beat a few times. Some of the scars date from his reckless childhood though, rather than those altercations.

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0 | May 19th 2024 11:30