OC post - Geryck S.

Geryck Salvia

Alias/Nickname(s): Ger’ or ‘Ryck
Age: Late twenties
Height/Weight: 5ft7 or 1m76

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Homosexual

Species: Human hybrid, half crocodile

Calm, a bit strange but gentle. In spite of a rather unusual and scary appearance he’s quite well-spoken and isn’t afraid to chat with random people he doesn’t know. He even likes to provide help and advice wherever he can. Tends to get very caring once he appreciates someone, he’ll also bring you gifts and things he finds interesting.

Isolates himself when stressed or upset, vindictive, sometimes a bit pessimistic, might lack some social cues and boundaries

Likes & Dislikes:
Fish and sea foods obviously, other creatures like him, night walks, taking afternoon naps, loves learning new things and will ask more questions than people can handle sometimes. Dislikes how unruly his hair gets when it dries, cold mornings, his tail being touched without permission or out of the blue by strangers, when he loses his things and can’t remember where he put them.

He doesn’t talk too much about his family but doesn’t hide the big lines, the fact that he was taken from his pack/environnement and brought into a new one against his will.

He can see better than most people in the dark and underwater, has heightened senses, better sense of smell and hearing.

Extra Info:
To be expected, like most fishes and merpeople, if he stays too long out of the water or away from a body of water his health deteriorates and it might be fatal.

~More to be added later ~

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0 | May 19th 2024 10:47