Marius Brunsmeier

Name: Marius Brunsmeier
Nickname(s): Heulsuse (crybaby)
Family: Martha Brunsmeier [Mother - Alive] - Clause Brunsmeier [Father - Deceased] - Franklin Brunsmeier [Brother - Deceased] - Landen Brunsmeier [Brother - Deceased] - Erin Brunsmeier [Brother - Deceased]
Age: 19 - 23
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Soldier
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs
Personality: Creative, cowardly, pessimistic, childish

Appearance: Marius is a little tan, though ranges more on the paler side, with grey eyes and dark hair. He has a beauty mark on his right cheek and boyish features with the right expression.

Likes: Butterflies, art, flowers, painting, chocolate
Dislikes: Blood, loud noises, war, nazis

The General Primis surrounding Marius: Marius grew up in Düsseldorf and was a very bright artist, painting pictures of the landscapes, butterflies, and flowers since he could pick up a paint brush. He had plans to go to school and make his family proud, but when the draft was put into effect him and his brothers and father were were sent off to war. He would go on to be the last man of his family standing, seeing his brothers die fighting for a war they wanted no part in..
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2 | May 19th 2024 07:13