
Heya Hotstuff! Welcome to my rules! please made sure to read everything. Thank youu!

*Don't rush me: As I said, I'm very busy. I work three jobs and go to college. This is heavily a hobby for me, so don't expect me to treat it like a job

*No means No: I am ok with taboo stuff, but if I say no to something, DONT PUSH IT, I WILL BLOCK YOU

* Minimal OOC talk: I'm fine with some, but I would rather keep it minimal.

* Don't push for personal info: Please- I don't tell you my life story, I'm just here to RP. I will not give you my discord, I will not give you my socials. I can tell you my age if it's that important to you, but you can rest comfortably knowing I'm above legal age.

*No minors: ..Just... No minors..

*Be Kind!: Don't be a cocksucker! not that hard! ❤

*Don't force me to top: Just because some of my characters are switches doesn't mean that they will be all dom daddy/mommy for you, I heavily prefer to bottom, its rare situations, but if I want to top, I will let you know or ask you about it.

*Deny means deny: if I don't accept your request, it was for a reason. Don't be pushy.

*If I haven't replied...: Don't be afraid to bump me! please at least wait three days though.

*Ero: I'm fine with having sex and other NSFW plots in our RP, but please understand a few things, just because I am open about a lot of my sexual preferences on my profile, that does not mean that's the only thing I want. I just have delt with a frustratingly large amount of people who don't respect my preference, so I just want to make things clear. A few of my OCs, like Kimmie, are open to having sex or sexual encounters early in the RP, but this DOES NOT mean they are in love! As I said on my profile, romance takes time-

*No controlling my characters: just don't be like.. y'know.. makin' my characters do sh*t. Also if we have a fight scene, don't be constantly dodging and going all god mode UNLESS you check to see if it's ok first-

*BE LITERATE: Please, it's not that hard to reread your message and not use text talk.

*You add, you talk: if you add me and don't talk, I will unfriend you. I will give you two days if you are active or one week if your not active. I'm not here to collect friends.

*Response times: I don't expect fast response times once we start our rp. Though it will change between people. For example, if we are doing shorter responses and you are active often, I will probably bump you in 3-5 days unless you ask me not to. If we are doing a longer length, I will be a lot more gentle with time. I will give you 1-2 weeks. If you aren't going to be active for a while or if your response will take a minute to get to me, please tell me.

Scat, watersports, vomit, sexual situations between kids/animals, vore (YES THIS INCLUDES C*CK VORE- PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT EVEN ASK ME ABOUT C*CK VORE. ITS A SOLID *NO*.), incest, ageplay

That's it! If you read this, make sure to heart it, thanks, love~
Heart this
10 | May 19th 2024 02:44