~Dani Larson, Playful Musician and Historian~

Name: Dani Larson
Age: 22
Height: 5'1
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: gay
Species: human
Timeline: modern
Personality: energetic, kind, playful, affectionate slightly shy in large crowds
Appearance: tan skin, wavy deep purple hair, grey eyes(one blind), ear piercing, tongue piercing typically has short black nails, always wears black round glasses
Job: unemployed college student, studying history
Likes: French history, gardening, crafting, people, dogs, cats, retro stuff, social commentary
Dislikes: rude people, writing, reading, his eyes, horror, romance movies
Hobbies: content creation, gardening, hiking, film directing, music creation
Extra facts:
He is blind in his left eye
He loves listening to music, his favorite artists are Will Wood and MF DOOM.
He got a scholarship from playing trombone in highschool.
He has a custom built PC he made himself
He has autism
Top or bottom: Bottom
Dom or sub: sub
Kinks: aftercare, praise, degradation, temperature play, being taken care of
Born into a large family, he lived a relatively happy childhood. He was praised from a young age for his good memory and skill with music. He played many instruments though his life but trombone and saxophone where tied for his favorite.
His first boyfriend was when he was seventeen. The two of them had a fairly toxic relationship and the two ended on rather negative terms. (Learn more about this in rp)
After graduating highschool with wonderful grades, he went into college with a major in history. He is hoping to become a history teacher.
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0 | May 19th 2024 02:13