The backwater

Its the far flung future. Humanity has finally taken its place among the stars and joined the surprisingly small intergalactic community. Space is mostly empty. Which means there are a lot of empty worlds to explore. The least charted region however is the Elutian Expanse.

Your destination.

A empty backwater region inhabited by a few mining companies, some overconfident settlers, and some research outposts. Truly a picturesque destination for one to strive for. Why you decided to come out here is your own business. Maybe you were sent to check on some assets for a corporation, or perhaps your looking for a place to hide away from the galaxy, or maybe you just want to make a name for yourself. Like I said, only you know why you’re here.

But regardless of why your here, the journey was long and tiring. And upon finally docking with a station in the expanse, your greeted by a rather dull sight. A man in a baggy space suit smoking a cigarette waits by the door. No customs officer, or secretary, just a man in working clothes covered in stains and dust from god knows what. A pair of opaque goggles cover his eyes and a tired, defeated frown adorns his face.

“…What do you want?”
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0 | May 18th 2024 08:38