Adeline Oxford


Name (& pronunciation): Adeline Oxford (Ad-de-line)
Nickname(s)/Alias(s): Addy, Ad, and Oxy
Date of Birth (& age): September 13th, 1999 (24)
Place of Birth: Corpus Christi, Texas
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Low/Middle Class
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Black Cat (Salem)

Physical Description

Height: 5'4
Weight: 138 Ibs.
Hair: Blonde, intensely curly
Eyes: Blue
Limb Dexterity: Fine/Right Handed
Detailed Physical Description: Hour glass figure, sparce freckles with sun tan skin. Ears are pierced. Straight smile. High Cheek bones. Petite/button nose. Heart shaped face. Bountiful breast and hips. Full Lips.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Tights, loose shirts, hoodies, shorts, dresses, heels and sandals.
Her hair is mostly kept in in buns/braids or loose/natural. Golden Cross on a thin gold chain on her neck. Charm bracelet (gift from deceased grandmother)


Personality/Attitude: Shy but Spunky. Socially Awkward. Observant. Spontaneous.
Skills/Talents: Tie cherry stem with her tongue (super proud of that), drawing/painting
Favourites/Likes: Loves Strawberries and Pineapples, loves hikes/camping
Most Hated/Dislikes: Hates apples and pears, dislikes alcoholics and smokers, dislikes exercise
Goals/Ambitions: To become a successful artist
Strengths: Observant, Ride or Die friend
Weaknesses: Shy, eager to please others, Asthma
Fears: Scared of Heights and Spiders/Snakes/Lizards/Bugs
Hobbies/Interests: Loves to read her dark romance and draw/watch her shows
Regular Routine: Get up, go to work/design and create artwork, eat dinner, sleep
Philosophy of Life: "Know Thy Self"
Attitude Toward Death: Everyone dies, its best to love and live while you can.
Religion/Beliefs: Catholic
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Nail/Lip Biter (Nervous Tick), Rambles (Nervous Tick), Sticks tongue out when concentrating.
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Painful - When her father held her hand down on the hot burner after she spilt dinner.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Submissive, Pillow Princess, Bottom.
Education/Special Training: Four years of Art School
Place/Type of Residence: Apartment (Studio)/Cottage (Historic/Rundown)
Occupation: Artist/Waitress
Place of Work: Self Employed/Waitress
Work-related Skills: Patience, Two Arms, Standing Long Hours
Past Occupations: Waitress/Manager (Bar)
Memberships: Gym Membership (Never goes but says she will), Library Membership

Additional Notes....(Coming Soon)
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4 | May 16th 2024 23:52