
Dearest of Readers,

Thank you for coming to my rules. As any writer and creator, there are a few 'Do's and Don'ts' that I find sensible and important to me. Shall we begin?

Please remember that while most of my stories deal with intense trauma like themes, your mental health matters to me, so lets discuss any themes that may be to much for you to handle.

1.) Characters.

♡ Characters are extremely important for a roleplay/story. They are the main ingredient after all. Characters must have short comings, weaknesses, and faults - without them a character is faultless and flawless, which only creates a boring and slightly toxic environment. Every hero has their weakness...Superman's was Kryptonite (and a few more.) So lets give the characters a few quirks, faults and red/yellow flags.

2.) Settings/Themes

♡ Settings/Themes are a key ingredient to a good story. They allow us to shape the timeline and events that shall take place throughout the course of adventure. It is good to discuss period of time and location, it is what will set us up for the my third rule, description.

3.) Description

♡ Descriptions are the sticky substance holding the recipe together. Descriptions can transpire the world one is writing, using key words and two of the five sense can really change the effect of scene.


Lacking Description: Marisol blushed heartly from the look Sean had given her. The smell of his cologne burned her nose as he passed by.

Supporting Description: Marisol's cheeks began to take on a rosy hue from the dark, yet heated look that Sean had given her. The woodsy smell of his aftershave tingled her nose as he passed by, the back of his hand brushing her own creating a tidal wave of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

As you can see above the more words and descriptions you used, the more enticing and lively the once dull sentences once were.

4.) Grammar/Length

♡ Grammar is rather important and mostly common sense. I will not be able to hold a roleplay with someone who cannot use simple capitalization and punctuation. Now, I do know that there are a few exceptions to this rule, such as; Bi-Lingual, Autistic, Dyslexia, etc. These are all exceptions I understand and will support.

Length is also important. I will not do one liners, I do require a minimum of five sentences for a reply.

5.) Communication

♡ Communication is a huge deal with me. I believe in creating a safe place for both and all parties involved. You should be allowed to express your concerns, wants and desires to me without feeling ridiculed or even abashed. All I ask if that you communicate if you will be away for an extended period of time so that I may not think you just gave up on our roleplay. I appreciate separating IC & OOC by either || or //.

If I am every going to be away for an extended period of time I will update my status accordingly.

6.) Accepting Friends/Removing/Warnings (Strikes)

♡ I will accept people after I check out their profile. I am a little picky so please do not feel dissuaded and upset but it would be for the simple fact I do not believe we would match. If I remove you, please do not create another profile to attack me or spam me with messages. Everyone gets three to four strikes depending upon the severity of the offense.

My rules are pretty simple, respect my boundaries as I respect yours. Otherwise we will be just fine!

7.) Er*t*ca

This is fairly simple. Er*t*ca is a genre but not a theme. Please make sure to follow along to the theme. It is rather excessive and tiresome to constantly write and read smut so lets not stray to terrible far from the storyline.

*****Highly Important Please See Here**********

⟴ Safe Word: Cactus

⟴ I roleplay with extreme themes. Most of my characters have had a traumatic past of some sort; Abuse (mental, physical, emotional and sexual), self harm, accidental cannibalism, etc.

You must understand that I will not be changing my ways nor my characters, they are mine. Their backgrounds are the foundation of who they are. I again, also work mainly in Dark Romance/Fantasy, meaning there really is no sunshine and happiness, only Morally Grey and Red.

The following below are the not approved/approved list of er*t*ca detailing's. Please be aware of this list. If you do not see one listed then it is most likely approved.

Er*t*c List Below:


❧ B*SM/Rough Foreplay: ex's; choking, hair pulling, slapping, restraints, toys, candle wax, spanking, biting, whips, and/or name calling/dirty talking.
❧ Double Penetration
❧ Threesome's
❧ Public Foreplay/Exhibitionist
❧ Knife Play

❦Not Approved❦

❧ Incest
❧ Feet
❧ Bestiality
❧ Voraphilla
❧ No Furries
❧ No Age Play/Pedophilia

If you have made it to the bottom please leave a like, also comment what your favorite song, band, book, author, artist and/or TV Show/Movie.

♥ Harlequinn ♥
Heart this
9 | May 16th 2024 22:29
Zaiganov Song: For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica
Band: Black Sabbath
Book: The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Author: Sarah J Maas
Artist(Art): N/A(Not interested in art)
Artist(Music): Eminem
TV Show: The Fallout TV Series
Movie: John Wick Chapter 2