
They return back to the Island when it is late night. Their hair are wet and messed, like their clothes, but also due to the hour, they don't expect to find anyone around and they all aim to go their own way. They don't know yet Cyno was keeping an eye on them and saw everything.

The morning after, she is feeling more sleepy than ever and is not even leaving the manor, bothered by the sun. She is napping on a chair, just like that.

Domitius leaves his own room, he is now back to his nice and tidy appearance. He wonders what they are about to do now, starting to think he should really try to rest during that little holiday rather than working day and night on that new book. He already made his own copy of it, using magic, so he can freely work on it without the risk of ruining the original.
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1 | May 16th 2024 17:02
Cyno «Yes. But we will be much more strict with the other cities and I will personally head to each of them, often, to make sure nothing like that could ever repeat.» All the other cities will hate Zae forever for causing this to them.
«There could be other sites of historical value near the one you explored past night. It's worth taking a look. Actually, I would like to come.too. Although unlikely, after many years, I'd still like to search for clues, in case some.of the responsible of the Aoichi enslavement escaped judgement.»
He smiles. «Organising a wedding must be a thrilling activity, though. Especially a royal one.» He wouldn't know, Deshret never got the chick!!
«A good tailor? You think I should get another elegant attire? But I've only worn that one a couple of times, in these years…»
Pantaficus "It is perfectly understandable you try making things more controlled, as long as you don't push too much. A balance is necessary in everything." And he restains himself for bringing up historical facts to prove he is right. XD
"You'd be welcome to join us, if you are capable to. I don't mean to understimate you, to be clear, I merely don't know what kind of experience you have in the field. And your duty to punish them all is also extremely important.

"Indeed. It will be beautiful, surely...but most of all, I want to make Xianyun happy. Whatever it takes.
What I mean Is that you could get more outfits to choose from, also to change. You are a handsome boy, so you would look fine in anything anyway!" Zhongli can't restain himself from embarassing his boys.
Cyno «What emerged is that we can't fully trust the representatives of the major cities and their guards. There could be more dirty secrets that have been hidden from our knowledge, with the complicity of many.» He is very bothered by what they discovered in Zae.
«I have some experience, you needn't worry about me. I won't stand on your way, nor I need any protection.» in fact, after recovering those memories of Deshret, his overall cultivation improved exponentially.
«I understand. Everyone will be happy and enjoy the celebration.» No wonder it's a fantasy world, where people are happy to be invited to a wedding. XD
He feels a little.embarrassed at Zhongli's statement indeed, especially since there is Dom. «I will take a look. I think that my friend is also very knowledgeable in fashion, so…» How could HaiTien not save this fashion terrorist yet!!
Pantaficus "Keep working on a larger control, make sure rules are respected." He doesn't want another tragedy either.
"Very well. Honestly I'd also like to add an healer to the team, should you know anyone. And in any case, I'll test you and confirm you can join." It is in his nature to test others. XD

"I hope so. She doesn't want something too big, but I find it legit people to celebrate with us as well..." Zhongli could be sly and make it massive anyway!!
"Very good. I'm certain you'll steal attention from me and Xianyun with the right outfit!"
Haitien still didn't see what Cyno considers an elegant outfit, so. XD
Cyno «That has always been my ultimate goal.» Well,.not as Deshret, back then he wanted to give his people freedom!!
«A healer? I know that Shin is very good at it. And there is Lani too. I doubt doctor Huang would have the time to leave the hospital to go on adventures.»
He tilts his head. «How do you plan to test me?»
He nods, at Zhongli's words. «A royal wedding is an important event for the whole kingdom. I'm sure that people would be disappointed if they weren't given the chance to celebrate too.» If the king's wedding isn't public holiday then what is??
«That's simply impossible and nothing I want to do. If there is such risk, I should stick with my usual ceremonial attire…»