
[General Information]
Beastfolk / Animalfolk (Moth)
Virginian Tiger Moth

{Place of Birth}
Can Vary but is Otherwise N/A
{Date of Birth}
'Human' Age is Unknown, but Looks 19 - 22

[Misc. Information]
Bubbly, Curious, Innocent, Resourceful, Kind Hearted

{Body Type}
'Lean' / Fit & Slender
{Height & Weight}
5'4", 96lbs
{General Features}
Rounded Features, Snow White Hair, Charcoal Eyes, Pale Skin
{Noticeable Features}
Two Pairs of Arms, Bug-Like Features (Eyes, Antennae, Wings, ETC), 'Fur'
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0 | May 16th 2024 14:57