
[General Information]
Beastfolk / Animalfolk or Naga
Coluber Constrictor Foxii / Blue Racer

{Place of Birth}
Unknown, but Looks Around Late Twenties or Early Thirties

[Misc. Information]
Stoic, Soft-Spoken, Independent, Untrusting, Strategic

{Body Type}
'Lean' / Fit
{Height, Length, & Weight}*
5'7", 4', 314lbs
{General Features}
Alabaster White Hair, Pale Yellow / 'Golden' Eyes, Sharp & Slim Facial Structure, Ashy Black Skin
{Notable Features}
Aquamarine Scales Distributed over Body in 'Patches' (Shoulders, Chest, Abdomen, Lower Back, Wrists), Serpentine Lower Half with Creamy White Underbelly, Very Slightly Pointed Ears

*(Height for Midas is Measured Differently Compared to Bipedal OCs. It is Measured by how Tall he 'Stands' While Upright thanks to the Muscles in his Abdomen and Lower Half. Also- the 'Length' I mentioned is the Length of his Serpentine Lower Half.)*

~Apologies for the Large Black Blank Spaces. Couldn't Find an Un-Cropped Version~
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0 | May 15th 2024 23:13