Dos and Don'ts / Rules

1. One liners aren't the end if the world, but make sure it's at least interesting enough for me to want to respond.

2. Please be patient, my schedule is janky and random, I'll try not to take more than a day, but just message me again and I'll see it! If I haven't been on, don't ping me multiple times... it's pointless, I won't see it if I'm not around...

3. I'd prefer to stay on this site, don't ask for my discord or anything off the bat, I'll just say no.

4. I would prefer to play the character on my profile, I can make him older, maybe, if you have a good idea, but I won't make him a girl, I won't be playing as a female.

5. I greatly prefer 3rd person to 1st person.
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0 | May 15th 2024 18:36