Rechargeable Batteries | Medieval Fantasy Plot

Notes: Please be advised that this plot involves themes of abuse and trauma, though hopefully there will be some healing done later in the story.

Character A is a wealthy and powerful man. The new head of a prominent family in the kingdom. Well known for being the magical powerhouses of the kingdom that headed up the army, the kingdom sort of relied upon them to keep them safe.

The Kingdom of Torra is not set up in a great spot. Nestled between two larger kingdoms that are always at war, they are usually caught in the middle and suffer heavy casualties. Not only that but they are constantly under attack from monsters. It appeared that the land itself was always rebelling against Torra, throwing monstrosities at them that threatened to completely dismantle the kingdom. Of course Character A’s family was always there to lead the charge and keep the kingdom safe. Not only did they excel in the use of magic, but they were extremely gifted in political negotiations.

Character A is the prodigy of that house. The strongest and most skilled of all the members to come out of that family it was certain at a young age that he would be the one to succeed his father as head of the family. So sure was his father that he never had another child, making sure he would be the sole heir. Character A has always been reliable and capable, proud of his station and always making sure to live up to the name he bears and also to keep the Kingdom safe and happy. The Kingdom loves him and always sings his praises. He was extremely important and popular, required at so many meetings and gatherings and ceremonies that the man barely has any time to himself.

To make matters worse, in the last year he has been slowly losing his magic. The magic he was hailed for. The magic that kept the Kingdom safe was slowly slipping from his fingers and he had no idea why, and he was getting older. Already in his early thirties, he was getting pressure from the other Lords of the Kingdom and even the Royal family himself to find himself a wife but when was he going to have time to find one? Not only that but he needed one that wouldn’t let slip the fact that he was losing his magic. He needed someone obedient and quiet. Someone that wouldn’t want to bask in the limelight and would follow all his orders like a little puppy.

Character B is the daughter of the family of a lessor Lord. A Lord that is always present at every function and is never heard. Her father has never spoken much of anything to any of the other Lords. Much to his chagrin he is practically unknown. He strives for power though, so thirsty for just a simple little drink that he might get, though he never gets one. So frustrated over the fact that he hasn’t been able to increase his station he often drinks and comes home to take his grievances out on his family around him. His wife, her mother always makes sure to throw Character B under the bus and together they have decided that she is worthless and is the reason why everything is wrong in their lives. For most of her life she has lived as a punching bag for the family and is treated as less than human, even worse than a dog. She is extremely quiet and is just happy to be alive, her soul so broken that she just accepts what is in front of her.

When Character B’s family hears that Character A is in the realm for marriage proposals they draft up a winning response, trying to sell Character B as some exotic prize that has blood from one of the other two nations. She is described as a beautiful flower that is so simple she doesn’t want for anything other than to be the best wife and mother she could possibly be. Quiet and unassuming, not likely to draw attention to anyone.

To Character A, she seems perfect and so the courtship is started. Character B is extremely careful during this process to make sure to always make him happy. Not to step on his toes and to make sure that she fulfills her duty to her family as she knows if this fails…she is as good as dead.

On one of their courting meetings, the two touch eachother and Character A is filled with a sensation that overcomes his entire being and he can feel his magic returning to him. At first…he thinks it to be a coincidence, until he tests the theory and he finds out that every time he comes into physical contact with Character B, his magic returns sometimes even being stronger than it was before. Suddenly Character B means so much more to him than anything else and he is going to hold onto her no matter what.
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