
Name: Dariusz Przybyszczydrzewski. 'Dariusz' is derived from from the Old Persian word 'Dārayavahush', meaning 'possessing goodness' or 'upholding goodness'. 'Przybyszczydrzewski' is a longer variant of 'Przybyszewski', which means 'from a foreign land' or 'stranger'.
Nicknames and aliases: 'Darek', a diminutive of his name.
Gender: Male.
Age and birthday: He was born on February 1st, 1914. Age depends on roleplay.
Race: Polish.
Voice: Nasal, animated, rather shrill and high-pitched, and has a thick Polish accent.
Languages: Polish is his native language. He is studying German and English. He knows a few words of Ukrainian and Hungarian.
Blood type: A+.

Traits: Narcissistic, eccentric, overbearing, insensitive, impulsive.
Priorities: His mother. Next would be his profession.
Likes: Attention, bread, animals, danger, beer.
Dislikes: Criticism, making promises, conversing with more than one person at a time, milk, being called short.
Hobbies: Reading, woodworking, playing piano, playing chess, horseback riding.
Strengths: Skilled with lance and saber, good at horse training, finds humor in bad situations.
Weaknesses: A poor shot with firearms, reckless, self-sacrificing to a fault.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Eye color: Light blue.
Eye shape: Round.
Hair color: Brown.
Hair style: Messy crewcut.
Height: 5'4".
Weight: ~135 pounds.
Scars: A faint scar on his right thigh, from getting kicked by a horse.
Posture: Straight.
Clothing style: When not in uniform, he wears a darkly colored suit, leather shoes, and a bowler.

Overall physical health: He's in pretty good physical health. He drinks a lot of beer, but he isn't out of shape. He's also farsighted.
Overall mental health: Overall good.
Disorders: None.
Phobias: Claustrophobia, fear of closed spaces.

Mother: Bianka Przybyszczydrzewska.
Father: Adam Przybyszczydrzewski, was KIA during the Great War.
Siblings: Zofia Brzezinska, a schoolteacher.
Other: Dawid Brzezinski, Dariusz's brother-in-law, married to Zofia.

- He usually carries his pince-nez with him wherever he goes.
- His horse is named Joanna.
- He's allergic to nuts.

Dariusz was born in Brzeżany, a town in Galicia. After the Great War, Dariusz's family was struggling financially, like many other Polish families. After his girlfriend Elena left him to marry a wealthier soldier, Dariusz joined the Polish military and became an uhlan like his father.
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