SEALED OFF PORTAL: This consists of me (Pinhead) being trapped on Earth and having to adapt. The reason why this has happened can be revealed as we go in the RP.

CURSED ACTION FIGURE: You are gifted a horror action figure of me (Pinhead), what you don't know that it has a secret,it's cursed. The curse comes into play on midnight where I fully come to life,changing into a solid life form. Where this goes is up to you.

PAST LIFE REGRESSION: (For this,I start off as an ordinary guy which I will create a character for before we start,they will also be interested in past lives)

I attend a past life regression session with a therapist to explore one that I've had. It takes me back and reveals that I had a life in a different realm (Hell) as a lead demon of a bunch of other creatures named Cenobites. Here,I suddenly get stuck in my past life and find a way to channel you to Hell to be with me. (Where that goes is your choice)

CURSED SHORTCUT : You and your friends decide to take a short cut through the woodlands to get home (from school or wherever you wish) and suddenly come across an ancient looking stone altar in your path. There are unusual symbols carved into the stone walls which you recognise to be the symbols of a demon named Pinhead (me). This according to most people is a made up demon,but it all changes when your friend cuts their hand/finger (How that happens is up to you) which drips blood onto the floor, suddenly summoning me (Pinhead) As you head home,that curse is carried with you,causing all sorts of disruption to you and your families.

BODYGUARD FOR BULLYING: You are involved in a bullying incident in school/university. A group of students bully you relentlessly every day,the teachers won't listen,sometimes your parents won't listen. One day it gets too much and you discover that there's a secret laboratory underneath the library (where these two are located ,on school grounds or not is your choice) where you go and take a look around. Everything you need is in that place,a book on how to create a powerful being and with all the parts needed. You decide to go through with this and create a demonic and extremely powerful being named Pinhead (me) who will be your bodyguard throughout school/university to protect you from the bullies. How all this progresses is up to you.

ABANDONED WORK: It's the end of the work day and you're walking home,only along the way to find the same old abandoned hospital that has been intriguing you for weeks now for some reason (that reason is up to you) This day you get a strong urge to explore the lonely corridors only to find a mutilated demonic creation lurking (That's Pinhead,me) At first you may be afraid but you somehow pluck up the bravery to come towards me. I'm basically able to communicate and tell you not to be afraid as I am a failed experiment,they created me for evil intention but there was a glitch in their creation,I turned out to be the opposite,becoming a danger of exposing their work and making them flee the building.

Heart this
1 | May 9th 2024 03:24