
I was informed that my font here may be a bit difficult to read. However, my computer is still very broken at the moment, so I can't actually fix this right now. I collected all of the plots and pasted them into a document. I hope that helps :)

1.) A troubled city boy gets sent off to a ranch for the summer to get straightened out on his behavior. But, along the route of being disciplined and whipped into shape, the rancher's daughter piques his interest. She is a casual, sheltered girl with an innocent look to her, although she is tough from farm work. But, even though the boy begins to take a liking to her, her father won't ever let her out of his sight, and is constantly on the boy’s ass, only fuelling his desire to rebel even more.

2.) A reserved country boy gets stuck giving riding lessons to the new girl in town when her parents come over to introduce themselves. He's nasty to her during each lesson, but she finds consolation in the preppy school clique she falls into. As the girl gains popularity, she also gains the attention of boys and only sees the better side of her riding instructor when a boy she falls for gets a little too disrespectful. The country boy and the girl eventually begin to get along, but the struggles of the hierarchy of high school cause everything to be difficult for them.

3.) A powerful mob boss seeks vengeance upon a retired mafia member when millions are stolen from him as a way to get out of the life. So, he goes for where it hurts the most, the man's daughter. With intentions of using her for ransom, the boss calls in his best transporters, a small gang of criminals with secret identities and hidden records. One of the men is talented, always getting the job done quickly and cleanly and not allowing emotions to get involved, therefore making himself a reliable smuggler. The retired member's daughter is oblivious to her father's work, not knowing anything about his past, but acceptant of the sheltered life anyway, despite it being unnecessary in her eyes. She's shy due to the lack of communication she has with the outside world, and even spends her days wondering what it'd be like to get out, that is, until she is finally taken out in the worst way possible. Upon fetching the girl, the men are faced with a long journey ahead of them in order to make it across the country to the mob boss, thus creating issues when another gang finds out about their plans and wants to get in on it as well. This eventually creates heavy conflict, and even confusing feelings for one of the men as he develops a mental moral battle between right or wrong and grows protective of the girl.

4.) A sophomore/junior girl who seems completely perfect (high GPA, wealthy background, fluent in various languages, scholarships, etc.) begins to take the darker path against her parents when she starts tutoring a high school senior to help him graduate. He's bad, a player, a fighter, anything negative you could think of he has going for him. Despite being polar opposites though, the two bond, even through the chaos of high school and their crazy families. But, she falls for him and he notices it and continues to lead her on until he takes off after graduation, leaving her to pick up the broken pieces of her heart and move on without him. However, a year or two later, he returns, only to find the girl with somebody new, which somehow irks him and causes him to act up all over again.

5.) A rich, conceited girl with aspirations of becoming a famous model or singer finds herself stuck on the side of the road on a highway she's unfamiliar with, her only company being the limo driver hired to escort her. With no service and no way to contact her father for help, she and the limo driver have no choice but to begin walking. That is until a stranger, fortunately, pulls alongside them offering a ride. They accept the ride and make it to the next nearest town where they're dropped off at a gas station and given the opportunity to make a phone call. To the girl's dismay, that phone doesn't work either, ultimately forcing her to head back to the stranger's farm with her limo driver in the pouring down rain for access to a phone. The farm is where she meets the farmer's son, who finds amusement in her appearance. When she calls her father, there is no way for him to come and rescue her, so until the limo is repaired in the town's shop, she is doomed.

6.) An unruly, troubled boy gets out of jail on probation after committing a crime. If he gets in trouble again, he's back in jail, or possibly in prison this time. So, he attempts to keep himself locked away in his home, only coming out for the scheduled visits with his probation officer. The first few visits are mostly lectures and talking about the boy's feelings and such. But, after a while, the boy is welcomed into the officer's home where the officer's daughter is present. She's as delicate as a flower, and mostly keeps to herself whenever the boy is around. This makes the boy a little more hopeful for his probation, desiring to get to know the girl more. When he is finally allowed to go back to school, he gains the opportunity of getting to talk to the girl more, which he takes. As they get to know each other more and potentially hang out, he discovers more of her secrets and she discovers more of his. However, his unruliness has yet to be tamed, which could ultimately lead to the fate he feared most.

7.) A broken, wild girl gets removed from a bad situation and is sent to live with another family member. Because of this, she is forced to give up most of the things she knew before and adjust to a new town and a new school. In order to better adapt to her new surroundings, it is suggested that she take up counseling or some type of activity, which is when she meets an equally broken and wild boy, struggling to make ends meet and stay out of trouble. They don’t talk much, even after discovering that they will be attending the same school. But, there is an app run by an anonymous individual that is taking the school by storm, exposing secrets of both students and staff alike. When both the girl and the boy fall victim to it, they team up with other victims to try and seek out the perpetrator.

8.) (WIP) A girl receives an acceptance letter for a horse riding academy and soon finds herself on a plane to either a new state or a new country. When she arrives, she is faced with several challenges. She gets stuck rooming with strangers.

9.) After tragedy strikes, an ambitious girl with dreams of becoming a musician or singer finds out she's been accepted into a prestigious music academy for teens. However, due to the devastation the tragedy causes, her family won't let her attend the school. So, she convinces them to let her stay with another relative instead, putting them under the impression that she's going there when in reality, she sets out for California to go to school. There, she struggles to keep up with the other talented students while simultaneously keeping her secret, and dealing with her sadness and guilt. But, she finds solace in the friends she makes, as well as the mysterious boy who helps her find her sound.

10.) A modern day princess faces adversity when she is taken away from everything she knows once her homeland is attacked. But, the stipulation is, as long as she lives, so does her claim to the throne. She gets taken into protective custody for royal minors by a trusted private military officer. Then, after some changes to her appearance, she is placed in his home with him and his family, including a son who has a hard time adjusting to her presence. Eventually, in order to teach her to be “normal”, she is sent to school with the other kids and thrown to the wolves.

11.) Within a tight-knit community nestled in a southern town, old-money snobs and generations of families fight for wealth and power through business propositions, political campaigns, and other means of profit and authority. However, one family sits above the rest, acting as a sort of royalty for the community. This family owns the local country club, as well as many other establishments throughout the state. And their children? A perfect reflection of their family ethics and morals. Their daughter is the prized child, preparing to make her debut as a debutante. The girl has the charm of a southern belle, her demeanor sweet and innocent, and her reputation as clean as white paper. Because of this and her well-known identity, she has lots of friends, but she's also faced with lots of fake people due to her family line. Not many people want her as much as they just want the money that comes with being associated with her family name. In another part of town, a boy from a rivaling family also attends the country club, though he has a tendency to bring his delinquent friends, and his reputation isn't exactly appropriate. But, despite this, he or one of his friends is paired up with the girl for her debut. (WIP)
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1 | May 8th 2024 11:23