~=~ Adachi and Me! ~=~

So to start, the Adachi I roleplay as is a little different from the one in the games proper. I like to play a little what-if with him to make RPs a bit more interesting and have a bit more easy access to Multiverse shenanigans. What the 'what-if' is I'll get into more a bit later, but for now I got to clarify shipping with my character and any other ones I play as later on.

When I ship my characters with another, it will be for that instance of RP only. The only time I do lock-in characters for ships is during group RPs where others would naturally be involved, which is usually discussed beforehand with everyone involved if that's even gonna happen.

Now for the part that most probably care about more! This Adachi and his little story I came up with while RPing with him over the years.

When the Investigation Crew finally chases Adachi into the TV World and confront him to a fight, instead of them coming on top Adachi does. In doing so he finally gets what he thought he wanted, turning humanity as a whole into shadows to get away from everything.
And he does! But it wasn't what he thought it would be.
With time, Adachi, surrounded by the shadows he created with Ame-no-Sagiri, grew resentful. Adachi saw the truth of his current situation, being left alone to rot in an existence he created. Whereas before he had the capability to change and ran from it, now he unknowingly backed himself into a corner all by himself. He couldn't bear this, he hated this, but where was he to go? How was Adachi to even begin to solve this issue? It looked very well like he couldn't, until the hosts of the Velvet Room opened their doors to him and showed him a way. They offered a Fragment of Truth to him, literally, a Fragment that could pierce the fog and allow him a way forward. Along with it, his own Izanagi reacted to it as well.
Using these newfound capabilities, Adachi makes his way to Ame-no-Sagiri and in a grand battle between the two Adachi rises out on top. Now faced with the god that caused this all to happen, Izanami questions why Adachi wants to go back on his wish after working so hard to accomplish it originally. He retorts by taking hold of the Fragment, calling forth his now awakened Magatsu Izanagi no Okami, and beats back the god with his newfound truths. Before cutting down Izanami, the god offered him a way out. She would rebuild everything from a specific point, but because of its instability from how weak she currently is Adachi would have to manage the cracks. Hesitantly, and almost desperately, he agrees.
Now life in sleepy, little Inaba returns to normal once more, or so does it? The cracks that Izanami warned Adachi of seem to let in places and people that most definitely weren't there before. Not to mention, some cracks aren't filled unless he goes through them and handles whatever needs to be done on the other end. Tasked with these paranormal going-ons, Adachi tries to keep his little corner of Inaba safe from anything that might cause a repeat of what he tried to do.

Cringe, borderline fanfic-like writing aside, that's the context of how I roleplay Adachi. He mostly retains his personality from the games, more specifically his quirks and mentality from P4U2, but if it helps to ignore my writing here to roleplay with my Adachi honestly go right ahead. Any questions, do feel free to ask!

tl;dr - Adachi beats Ame-no-Sagiri and Izanami's ass and it sorta gives him access to other worlds.
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0 | May 7th 2024 02:27