Tentacaris Abyssoth.

Species Info:

Tentacaris Abyssoth is one of the last descendants of an ancient and mysterious race, whose myths have been passed down through the ages in the dark depths of the oceans.

Her kind is said to have been created by abyssal deities to act as guardians of sunken secrets and lost cities. Their existence has been marked by solitude and isolation, as their dominant nature and power to shape-shift have made them feared and revered as demigods.

Background: She is a solitary entity living in the deep sea. With the power to transform her limbs into any tool or weapon, this creature is a formidable predator and defender of her territory. Despite her intimidating appearance and dominant character which instills fear and disgust, Tentacaris possesses a keen intelligence and wisdom that enable it to survive in a hostile world.
She's logical and barely has any emotions, if not the ones driven by her primal instincts. Her species is on the verge of extinction, her goal is to look for someone to preserve her bloodline.

Tentacaris possesses superior intelligence and an iron will, characteristics that allow her to dominate less evolved sea creatures. She is thoughtful and calculating, but also impulsive when it comes to protecting her territory or her species. Her voice, when she chooses to communicate, is hypnotic and seductive, capable of persuading or terrifying anyone who will listen.

She can breathe underwater, see in the dark and in the sea her strength increases.

Mental Control: Using her tentacles, Tentacaris can establish a psychic link with her prey, influencing their actions or extrapolating information.

Abyssal Camouflage: In water, Tentacaris can alter the colour and texture of her skin to blend in perfectly with her surroundings, rendering herself almost invisible.

Tentacular Regeneration: If one of its tentacles is cut or damaged, it can regenerate within minutes.

Eco-location: Tentacaris can emit underwater sounds to navigate and hunt in the dark depths where light does not penetrate.

Link to Google Doc for images: docs.google.com/document/d/1N31Ms-LbKi8tKoK_rgXgKOcpXuwe2MarsBZ4qNcxwrs/edit?usp=drivesdk
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1 | May 6th 2024 17:25