Council of Fords- Leather Ford

Stanford 'Leather' Ford Pines

Age: 60+

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Status: Polyamorous

Affiliations: The Council of Fords and some Select versions of Bill that have been deemed 'Safe'

Enemies: Evil versions of Bill

Bio: - Considered the resident 'Himbo' Ford, but he's as smart as the best of them, just simply more in-tune with his emotions and Desires. Rolled High on Charisma, Seduction and Charm. Is shockingly good at difusing a situation without the use of violence. Essentially an Ambassador Ford for the Council, rarely is sent on missions requiring him to fight. He is not above getting physical in -other- ways however... The very definition of 'I [REDACTED] my way into this mess, and I'll [REDACTED] my way out'. If you're wondering if that's how he defeated his Bill, the answer is yes. Is otherwise a HUGE sweetheart.
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0 | May 3rd 2024 22:06