Going old Testament - Galen Sauvage De la Croix (P

Calm-exterior psychopath, convinced he is doing God's work by murdering those he deems to be heretical or degenerate. A one man Spanish Inquisition.

Name: Galen Sauvage De la Croix
Age: 29
Sex/Gender: Male
Ethnicity: French-Occitanian parentage
Occupation: Stockbroker
Socioeconomic status: Upper Class
Education: Masters in Business Administration

Physical Appearance
Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: warm ivory
Hair color: Deep black
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 186lbs
Body type: toned
Fitness level: high
Tattoos: N/A
Scars/birthmarks: Scarification everywhere except hands and face; excerpts of biblical verses, Sins, self-flagellations, etc. Think Joseph Seed From FC5
Other distinguishing features: Small mole on left ear
Disabilities: N/A
Fashion style: Modern Cary Grant
Accessories: gold ring inset with a suspicious, large blood-red stone.
Cleanliness/Grooming: Spotless
Posture/Gait: Proper, almost too much.
Coordination (or lack thereof): Highly coordinated, calculated, like a machine.
Weaknesses: Any human weakness

Birth date: March 11th, 1995
Place of birth: New York, New York
Key family members: Abusive Religious Zealot father
Notable events/milestones: Baptism, first murder
Criminal record: Clean
Affiliations: Novae Eden Communalism Church
Skeletons in the closet: More like all over LOL

Psychological Traits
Personality traits: Kind but stern, firm but fair (when in public)
Temperament: When slighted, viscious
Introvert/Extrovert: Extroverted
Intelligence: IQ 138
Self-esteem: High
Hobbies: Taxidermy
Skills/talents: Knifework, agile
Morals/Virtues: Donates much of his earnings to charities
Phobias/Fears: God, damnation
Angered by: Homosexuals, sex-workers, idolatry, other religions, the rich, etc
Routines: in depth morning skin and body care routine
Bad habits: Murder
Flaws: Obsessive
Favorite sayings: "Can't expect god to do ALL the work."
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