Birdie Harvey

Race: Human
Age: 22
Class: Technic
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 5'5
Body Type: Small and slim. She also has a few tattoos mainly nerdy movie quotes written in code as well as a tattoo on the back of her neck of a CPU computer heart. Also quite a few piercings.
Sexuality: Straight
Genre: Sci-Fi, Sci-fi fantasy, Sci-fi Romance, Modern
Weapon/s: Birdie is considered armed and dangerous when behind a computer but she also has the skill for improvised weaponry.
Personality: Birdie is....awkward to say the least. She doesn't usually have much social interactions as she is behind a computer most of her time. but she can be witty at times but tells bad jokes. She does have an issue with trusting people, but when you gain her trust you have along with her loyalty until you break it or lose it. She also is a major cluts.
Backstory: Birdie was born to scientists, she was a child genius and was under a lot of pressure to be like and or better than her parents, but when she was 13 her parents died in a explosion in their lab. She thrown into the system where she jumped from foster family to foster family, she found solace in her computer and when she was 16 she hacked into the militaries documents and uncovered a lot of secrets then published them making her wanted criminal. While on the run she ran into a man who was ex military who took care of her and taught every thing she knows to protect herself before he was captured for hiding her and thrown into prison.

(Sorry it feels rushed because it is, once i start writing her things might change and I will rewrite her or update when as things play out)
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3 | Apr 17th 2024 16:26