

Age: 21
Hair color: Platinum Blonde (or burgundy hair depends on rp)
Eye Color: Bright emerald green (or blue)
Height: 5'0
Weight: 135

Kira was a shy girl who works (or owns) in a cafe. She was very quiet and didn't have many freinds s. Shes lived on her own since she was 14 because her parents kicked her out saying she was just a leech. Ever since then she has worked different jobs, until she got the job at the cafe she was at. Shes been there for three years basically running the place. She didn't do well with conflict so she often just took customers abuse. Fortunately most of the people who went there were kind or uninterested. She was naive so didn't know when others would be flirting with her. (Depending on rp she has a dog as well)

Hobbies: Reading, runs, hiking
Likes: Good Tea, and Ramen
Dislikes: coffee, anything that tasted bad.

(Nala's other look is in my photos)
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2 | Apr 16th 2024 14:50