Toys express.

As established with Dorian, and as promised to him, he crafted a few specific items for the guys of the two teams.
He comes with Shannon Leis, the most famous tailor in whole Nortrig with him and of course brought his items.
He already gave Michael the gear for his wings that he asked him for, so he was in debt with the Others in a way, since for the most they are his nephews as well. Well, Francis is his grandfather.

Anyhow, he Waits for them in their meetings room with the items to show. Both Schwarze Kadel and Death League are to come to choose something and among the second ground, which is made by only 4 people (Matt -Daredevil-, Deadpool, Punisher) also is Clio, who, on Xilon's claim was allowed to fight with the Group, despite her father's displeasure.
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1 | May 23rd 2016 12:50
Dobermann He waits for them to arrive and as Clio walks in, his eyes widen. «Tell me that kid is not the 1.58cm 55kg of the measures you sent...» He facepalms.
Dobermann «Sure, per one leg maybe. -.- You sure have the temper of a drunk tramp, I like that!
Anyhow, if you ladies are still wondering why I asked for your size, including the "girl" of 188cm and 90kg which I suspect to be you, Boccadirosa ;) It was for a prototype. You see, having guests by my home for some time really filled me with more ideas than usual, so you remember that conversation we had, Mickey? So I said myself, "sure, I could make working wing-like devices, to add to the brooms and hoverboards, but why the hell always rely on these objects and use always the same procedures and magic?" We all want to fly, we all can do it thanks to "toys" but my vision is, flying without anything, totally freely, like Peter Pan! Or better, using something that is so comfortable to be as if there is not, nothing iike having to stand on the hoverboard or fall off! Flying in freedom and without bother!» He takes our some long, leather boots, clearly for females, and high heels. Then coughs. «Well, heels help with aerodynamics, who the hell could really expect you let a kid fight? T.T»
Dobermann «I don't know who they are but I like how that Tony Stark sounds ;)
Woah, nobody here is a pedo -I sure hope- Anyhow, I needed someone shorter than 160cm and lighter than 60kg, the prototype was more complicated than I expected so for now it can only work with small and light people. If she wants them anyway she can have them.
Other than that, I brought a few free perfectly successfully working prototypes of my incoming new flying blooms, much better than my Firebolts I sell on Earth magic world and the brand new hoverboard. Both are water proof and cold proof, but better not to bring them in Southern deserts, they weren't tested on insane heath yet!»
Dobermann Ramsay doesn't like Deadpool's statement. XD
«I wish I had the ability to keep up with the massive and messy amount of random information you give in a managed to confuse me boy, congrats!» He highfives him.
«Well, you have to ask the girl, I can't certainly wear them...» He chuckles at the very thought of it.

Carlie. «Can I get a flying broom then?»

«Help yourself Carlie, I said myself I would give something to everybody and so I do. The hoverboard is for Fang, she asked me for it some days ago.
Bur I also brought infra red sunglasses with heath sensors and radar, some cute little explosive toys AND for the interested, an armor of any kind. Light, medium, heavy, I've invented a few fabrics that will simply do wonders, so, take a look at the book for the models, she will design it with my stuff. All for free, I offer!»