Redesigned Wildlands.

Wildlands, redesigned.

To give a clear vision of what they are really like.
1 They are Wild, thus untamed. Thick beyond imagination.
-Grass or better bad weeds totally huge and wild, reaching the shoulder height of an adult man.
-Lower weed and clear areas mean nests of huge predators. In other words, death.
Weed is poisonous and damaging itself. It also hides all sort of deadly snakes which bite is capable of killing a person in seconds. And it is impossible not to get bitten by one as there is an insane number of them lurking in the grass and unlike typical snakes from our world , these are attracted by vibrations thus will get to a person who walks outright.
They also lurks on the tree branches.

2 They include predators from all other Wildlands too.
Dinosaurs, only carnivorous ones existing in wilds, others are all and only in the ibdependent islands.
Huge tigers, anacondas, piranhas even in the smallest ponds, poisonous spiders of all sizes including invisible ones.

3 NOBODY ever lived here. There aren't ruins of any sort, there aren't treasures, nor resources it could be worth the deadly journey, nothing. Nature. Only.
And nobody can help there.


Similar to west as for weed, snakes and thick vegetation to make it literally impossible to walk without having to stop and cut grass and branches to make each step.
There are less predators replaced by many clans of cannibals who won't hesistate to insta kill with poisonous darts whoever they come across.
People of the few pacific clans learn to survive there thanks to Isseiner's First Zimox who gifted them with the skill to tame the mortal poisonous creatures to use them for their own protection. This only as they were chosen as guardians of the Wilds as the Sacred Temple of Isseiner.
They are full of active volcanoes, falling grounds hiding lava and explosive boulders. Without a guide from the clans, it is impossible to survive even for an army.


Deserts. Endlesss. Sand. Searing sun. Burning heath. Not a single oasis. Only secret underground sources of water. Deadly spiders and scorprions lurking under the sand. Dunes and deadly sandstorms, sudden and constant. Wild, mysterious tribes living there, the only ones capable to survive there.
Days average temperatures: 60° to 90° . it does not exist shade.
Night: immediate and sudden as soon as they sun sets, temperatures fall down to -5°/-15° insta killing whomever could survive the day.
Impossible to cross without a guide from the tribes.


Only northern real wildlands are in the unexplored area beyond the mountains chain near the coast of the iced land (which belongs to north) beyond the northern coasts. (Basically one can o ly get there with a ship of miners) The major part of that land, beyond the mines. (Since mountains where mines are, are on the coast)
Nobody has ever been there as the temperatures on and over those mountains are too low for any known living and any currently known magic/equipment/special fabric to survive or fight.
Truth is, there is life there, unknown creatures but certainly not people of any sort.

To add to this:
-Anthony was never in the actual northern wildlands, nobody ever was and if tried, never manage to go past the mountains.
-National Park area at the border between North and West was never a Wildland, something that is wild can't be so close to civilization, let alone between two Realms and bording many uber populated cities.
-The real dangerous part of the Eastern wildlands is on eastern islands and deeper inside. What is close to the Empire is just like normal forests.
-Western wildlands lie among thousands of islands in the insular part of the country.
-Southern independent islands have no wildlands.
-South has also non-wildland deserts which are completely dead, nothing lives there not eben cockroaches. Temperatures are even harsher than those of wildland deserts.
There are ruins in wildland deserts.
-Whatever fair and good creature existing in the wildlands (including unicorns and any other) can be also found in any safe forest. The only unique creatures that can't be found anywhere else are the huge and untamable predators.
-All Wildlands are Isseiner's "Temple" they are sacred and can't be colonized or turned into cities. They are unclaimable and totally free terrotories belonging to their creatures.
-All Wildlands count a huge amount of cursed places. Cursed by Zimox.
-Anybody can go to the Wildlands at their own rrisk. Wildlife can't be touched, tamed, influenced and especially moved from there. My characters will never happen to randomly be there, except Ming at the outer part (safe part) of the Eastern ones.

(Will add a pic once on pc xD)
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2 | May 23rd 2016 07:39