;;;; General Information ;;;;

Full Name: Sabine Callas
Nickname(s): Doctor, Dr. Callas, Viper, Agent 02
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: United States of America
Species/Race: Human
Occupation: Valorant Protocol CONTROLLER
Status: Alive

;;;; Appearance ;;;;

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Skin Color: Pale/Ivory
Hair Color: Jet Black
Hair Style: Short, bobbed
Eye Color: Toxic Green
Work ; green bodysuit and armoured joints, with tall boots and satchel like bags carrying toxins. Toxin mask
Casual ; A large sweater and leggings or yoga pants
Professional ; A button up and black slacks
Accessories: Limited
Features: few freckles

;;;; Fighting ;;;;

Weapons: Toxins, Guns, Knives (in order most preferred to least)
Skills: Firearm Proficiency, Battle Sense, Melee Proficiency, Toxin Usage
Abilities: Snake Bite, Poison Cloud, Toxin Screen, Viper's Pit {<- abilities to be elaborated}
Last Resort: Melee
Strengths/Feats: Breaking enemy groups apart, Sectioning for effective point control, Teamwork
Weaknesses: Closer combat, 1v1s

;;; History ;;;;

Personality: Viper is a savage and confident agent who doesn't fear enemies, and in fact desires the enemies' fear. She does not hesitate to call herself a villain and a monster, and will act like both if it means the success of her objective. Just like her abilities, she can be quite "toxic", however she is seen being more amiable and caring towards her teammates, but she will not hesitate to reprimand them harshly should they make major miscalculations in the battlefield.

Several agents have observed that Viper bottles a lot of violent anger within her. Viper has implied that her enemies have taken many things from her, and that she will stop at nothing to achieve her revenge. (taken from VALORANT's wiki)

Quote(s): "No one can hold their breath forever."
"Welcome to my world!"
"Use my poison to your advantage, I don't deploy it for kicks."
"I wonder if these ones will beg. They all do after a while."
"They call me a monster. Shall I prove them right?"
"Let's take from them what they took from me - everything!"
"They are not important. Let's move through them, like smoke through lungs."
"The lies we've told this city. Just to pry it open and suck it dry."
"They will die. Hopeless and afraid."
"If any of you die I lose a bet with Brimstone, so don't embarrass me like that, please."
"If you lose focus, you die. Breathe when it's over."

;;;; Other Information ;;;;

Likes: Research, writing, sketching, designing
Dislikes: Enemies, Those who stole from her
Hobbies: Sketching designs, crocheting
Goals: To take revenge on all who spite her
Habits: Tapping her feet, nail picking
Fears: Losing, Being isolated, Claustrophobia
Trivia: N/A

{{credits to DMBadger on DeviantArt for Temp! edited to fit personal needs}}
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