
Name: Kiyomi Suzuki
Hero name: Ariadne
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Weight: 137 lbs
Origin: Half-Japanese, Half-English
Place of birth: Japan

Personality: Kiyomi has been raised in a very strict household, and thus, she is a girl of few words and is a little hard to approach. She is rather blunt, and looks down on those she deems "below her". At times, her superiority complex can become obvious, and a certain cockyness can get her into unnecessary arguments. Despite this, her stubbornness shines through in her beliefs, as they are hard to sway. This makes her a very trustworthy person, and those who befriend her know that she will always be there for them.

Appearance: Kiyomi has an air of wealth in just about every aspect of her; both her clothes and her hero outfit are very luxurious and expensive. Her hero outfit in particular is made of her own quirk, depicting a pristine dress that shows her midriff. Her white hair is curled into elegant ringlets, and her eyes are a dangerous ruby red.

Quirk: Thread
Her Quirk allows her to manipulate fine silk that she produces from pores invisible to the human eye. She can change the properties of the string to one of three things; a soft, elastic, and flexible thread, a sticky, viscous, and durable thread, and a fine, sharp thread. However, she is not immune to the effects of the string, and if, for example, she touches her own sticky thread, she will be stuck.
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2 | Apr 6th 2024 19:07