Pátroklos Chasapis, Grecian Vampire

First Name - Pátroklos

Last Name - Chasapis

Nickname - Pat

Age: 376

Birthday: July 20, 1624 (born)
July 20, 1648 (Turned)

Birthplace: Island of Sifnos, Greece

Zodiac: Cancer

Height: 6'1" (185cm)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Social class: Varies over time, at times has been Nobility, other times homeless. Tends to float around to stay under the radar.

Species: Vrykolakas

Abilities:(Human form) Enhanced strength, agility, halted aging while fed, heightened senses.
(Primal form) Superhuman strength, speed, highly invulnerable to conventional weaponry, claws, fangs.

Appearance: Blonde, wavy hair. Pale blue eyes with central heterochromia, pallid skin, femme features

Scars: multiple across the chest, back and extremities from when he was attacked/turned

Body mods: N/A

Temper: Depends on satiety, the hungrier they are the more short-fused.

Personality/Background Information:

Pátroklos was born and raised on the island of Sifnos in Greece to an unremarkable family. His father was a butcher, and his mother a potter when she wasn't desperately trying to keep control of the household and her 4 children. His childhood was normal, quiet, and humble, and overall peaceful even considering the relatively new Ottoman rule of the country. Sifnos was left mainly to its own affairs and therefore the lifestyle maintained. He would do track and field activities with his schoolmates, fish, hunt small animals with his sling, and relax at the waters edge as the soft waves lapped at his feet.

In the eve of Pátroklos' 24th birthday, after a long night of drink and celebration, he stumbled his way home alone, tired, and inebriated. The pitch black of the new moon obscured every nook and cranny of what was once as familiar to him as the creases of his own palm. Attempting to follow his usual route, he took a wrong turn. Passing by the local cemetery, he shuddered as the cool night air whistled through the gravestones. Suddenly, chills became terror as he heard the soft rustling of displaced earth and heavy, ragged breath.

Within seconds, the hulking horror borne from the loamy soil bore down on him, slashing and biting deeply into his flesh as he wailed for help that would never arrive in time. A nearby farmer rose from his hovel, hearing the screams he sprang out the door scythe in hand. When he found pátroklos, it was already too late.
His body maimed and torn, he was buried quickly in a small closed casket funeral. However, if they had taken their time in examining him, they would have noticed the transformation beginning.

15 moons later, Pátroklos awoke. He gasped desperately for air within his cramped burial bed, frantically vying with death for an escape. Relentlessly bashing, pushing, and digging, he splintered the wood of his tomb and clawed through the earth before finally surfacing. After catching his breath, he looked downward, seeing his grotesque and bloodied talons he now possessed. In horror he ran to the nearby stream and gazed downward toward his reflection like a lovesick Narcissus. The beast that stared back at him from the cool waters paralyzed him in place, and even through its fanged visage one could still see the expression of pure disbelief, shock, and fear. Mortified of what the townsfolk might do to him if they saw him, he sauntered off into the night, woeful in the knowledge that he may never see his loved ones again.

As the full moon waned, pátroklos found himself reverting to his original form. His fangs receding, claws flaking to reveal the pink and unthreatening nails beneath; His pallid and beast-like facade faded away to reveal his piercing eyes and youthful face, adorned on top with beautiful waves of cornsilk hair. Knowing now that he would be recognized as the man whose shattered body had just been lowered into the earth just weeks ago, his only option was to run far away and start a new life.

***Being that he is so old and constantly changing identity to keep himself hidden, RP can have any time and place setting between 1648 and the modern day!***

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2 | Mar 31st 2024 00:36