my birth father is a religious cult leader

A woman finally gets the name of my birth father from her drug addicted loser mother. It leads her to the religious cult in which he is the deranged leader. He feels her goth appearance is the work of the devil. She is mocked and placed in stocks until she swears to be a good woman and adopt their way. Soon she is wearing a plain longer dress, working in the fields, and reading the bible or praying when not working or eating. punishments are severe. Once you swear to god you are bound to obey or go to hell, or live hell on earth. She knows she has to escape, but not that a tracking device is on her. She will be found, brought back, and her hell on earth will begin again. Will she ever escape? Will she become obedient? Will she get help from someone? Open ended story. One of us plays her. The other can be her father or the person trying to help her.
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2 | Mar 16th 2024 07:42