
She returns to her room. She feels she just keeps failing and she still hasn't much in her hands. She fears what might come next but reassures herself by saying they still have a week before to report to Verfall.
It'd be too good to be true. After the time with Jing Yuan, Verfall returned to the palace, using dark magic to create a copy of himself to leave there while secretly going to meet his team.
It is not difficult to find them, since he is constantly monitoring their movements after the betrayal. He waits for them all to reach the inn before to make his appearance.
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1 | Mar 13th 2024 17:39
Aventurine «Are you sure it won't be suspicious if it comes out that we know each others while casually being involved with mother and son each?» He is paranoid about being discovered, after Verfall's threat.
«Hoping that there is something really true in what adeptus Xiao told me. But it's still the best lead I got. But shouldn't we split? He wants to know about all the three, Justice Honour and Punishment, no?»
BOOM " not sure of anything...I just want to do things well..." She bites her lip.
"He seemed a weird type, but Xianyun had some unusual ways too...maybe he wasn't lying after all.
The other two...I still don't know anything. How can we get close to them without getting ourselves arrested? Where do they live?"
Aventurine «Yeah, i Just want to avoid punishment really. If Xiao could just be a normal guy and bring me to his room in the palace to "his collections of butterflies".» He rolls his eyes. He thinks that offering his body is the second best option he has, also due to his own personality.
«Should we pretend we are siblings? We need to come.up with common lies if we are to let them know we are connected.»
He shrugs. «The king lives in the palace, that's the only certainty. Maybe Mr punishment lives inside the prison.»
BOOM She gives him a glance at his words, troubled by what he means by that. "Would it really be necessary?" She feels dreadful just at the thought to do such a thing.
"So far I told around I was alone and looking for an occupation...we can as well say we met here...
And in the palace, the court gathers? They should, from time to time..."
Aventurine «It would make things easier for me, I don't care how you do your things. I will try to seduce him, he is a virgin at his age, it can't be difficult.» He ponders, thinking that Xiao is the type who'd risk to get hard even if someone accidentally touches him.
«I have no idea. What does the king have to say to the leader of a prison anyway? Doubt he cares how the prisoners are doing or something.» He pulls his hair back nervously.